सोमवार, 28 अक्टूबर 2013

Hallow eve'n (हैलो -ईवनिंग ) को जब इकठ्ठा पढ़ा गया तो स्लेंग हो गया "हेलोवीन "

The Truth About Halloween

Is Halloween celebrated where you live? In the United States and Canada, Halloween is widely known and celebrated every year on October 31. Halloween customs, though, can be found in many other parts of the globe. In some places holidays are celebrated that, although named differently, share similar themes: contact with the spirit world involving the spirits of the dead, fairies, witches, and even the devil and demon angels.—See the box  “Celebrations Like Halloween Worldwide.”
PERSONALLY, you may not believe in supernatural spirits. You 
might simply view taking part in Halloween and similar celebrations as a way to have fun and teach your 
children to explore their imagination. Many people, though, regard these celebrations as harmful for the 
following reasons:

“Halloween,” explains theEncyclopedia of American Folklore, “is integrally related to the prospect of 
contact with spiritual forces, many of which threaten 
  1.  or frighten.” (See the box “Halloween Time Line.”) Likewise, many celebrations like Halloween 

    have pagan origins and are deeply rooted in ancestor worship. Even today, people around the 

    world use these days to make contact with supposed spirits of the dead.
  1. Although Halloween has been viewed mainly as an American holiday, each year people in more 

    and more countries have been adopting it. Many newcomers to the celebration, however, are 

    unaware of the pagan origins of Halloween symbols, decorations, and customs, most of which are 

    related to supernatural beings and occult forces.—See the box  “Where Did It Come From?”

    1. Thousands of Wiccans, who follow ancient Celtic rituals, still call Halloween by the ancient 

      name Samhain and consider it to be the most sacred night of the year. “Christians ‘don’t 

      realize it, but they’re celebrating our holiday with us. . . . We like it,’” stated the newspaper 

      USA Today when quoting a professed witch.

      Celebrations like Halloween are in conflict with Bible teachings. The Bible warns: “There 

      must never be anyone among you who . . . practices divination, who is soothsayer, augur 

      or sorcerer, who uses charms, consults ghosts or spirits, or calls up the dead.”

      Deuteronomy 18:10, 11The Jerusalem Bible; see alsoLeviticus 19:31; Galatians 5:19-


      In view of the foregoing, it is wise for you to know about the dark origins of Halloween and 

      similar celebrations. Having this fuller understanding may move you to join many others 

      who do not participate in these holidays.

      “Christians ‘don’t realize it, but they’re celebrating our holiday with us. . . . We like it.’”—The newspaper USA Today, quoting a professed witch


      Halloween has generally been regarded as an American holiday. Yet this celebration has 

      become popular in many parts of the world. Additionally, there are other festivities that are 

      like Halloween in that they celebrate the existence and activity of spirit creatures. Shown 

      here are some of the popular holidays like Halloween around the globe.
      • North America - Day of the Dead

      • South America - Kawsasqanchis

      • Europe - Day of the Dead and variations of Halloween

      • Africa - Dance of the Hooded Egunguns

      • Asia - Bon Festival


      The Origin of Some Halloween Customs and Symbols

      VAMPIRES, WEREWOLVES, WITCHES, ZOMBIES: These creatures have long been 

      associated with the evil spirit world.

      CANDY: The ancient Celts tried to appease wicked spirits with sweets. The church later 

      encouraged celebrants to go from house to house on All Hallows’ Eve, asking for food in 

      return for a prayer for the dead. This custom eventually became Halloween’s trick or treat.

      COSTUMES: The Celts wore frightening masks so that evil spirits would mistakenly think 

      the wearers were spirits and would leave them alone. The church gradually amalgamated 

      pagan customs with the feasts of All Souls and All Saints. Later, celebrants went from 

      house to house wearing costumes of saints, angels, and devils.

      PUMPKINS: Carved, candlelit turnips were displayed to repel evil spirits. To some, the 

      candle in the turnip represented a soul trapped in purgatory. Later, carved pumpkins were 

      more commonly used.



      The Celts observe the festival of Samhain at the end of October, when they believe ghosts 

      and demons roam the earth more so than at other times.


      The Romans conquer the Celts and adopt the spiritistic rituals of Samhain.


      Pope Boniface IV is said to have established the annual celebration of All Saints’ Day to 

      honor martyrs. *


      The second of November is designated as All Souls’ Day to commemorate the dead. 

      Observances surrounding All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day are collectively called 



      The name of the holiday, Hallowe’en (Hallow Evening) appears in print as Halloween.


      Thousands of people who move from Ireland to the United States bring with them 

      Halloween customs that, in time, combined with similar customs of emigrants from Britain 

      and Germany, as well as Africa and other parts of the world.


      Halloween becomes a popular nationwide holiday in the United States.


      Commercial interest in Halloween grows into a worldwide multibillion-dollar industry.

      हेलोवीन श्रृंखला का आखिरी लेख पढ़िए हेलोवीन की पूर्वसंध्या पर बहर सूरत मानकर चलिए 

      Hallow eve'n (हैलो -ईवनिंग ) को जब इकठ्ठा पढ़ा गया तो 

      स्लेंग हो गया "हेलोवीन "

2 टिप्‍पणियां:

  1. बहुत सुन्दर प्रस्तुति...!
    आपकी इस प्रविष्टि् की चर्चा आज सोमवार (28-10-2013)
    संतान के लिए गुज़ारिश : चर्चामंच 1412 में "मयंक का कोना"
    पर भी होगी!
    सूचना देने का उद्देश्य है कि यदि किसी रचनाकार की प्रविष्टि का लिंक किसी स्थान पर लगाया जाये तो उसकी सूचना देना व्यवस्थापक का नैतिक कर्तव्य होता है।
    हार्दिक शुभकामनाओं के साथ।
    डॉ.रूपचन्द्र शास्त्री 'मयंक'

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  2. सुन्दर प्रस्तुति-
    आभार आदरणीय -

    जवाब देंहटाएं