गुरुवार, 14 अगस्त 2014


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Blood Pressure is the root cause of many diseases ,including Heart Attacks and Strokes .Some of

the leading causes of High Blood Pressure are :Stress ,Smoking ,Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol ,and consuming too much salt in our diets.Genetics also plays a big role in developing High Blood Pressure .

Natural remedies for high blood pressure 

Potassium -rich fruits and vegetables ,and which also contain Calcium and Magnesium can help naturally lower high blood pressure .They help regulate blood pressure by relaxing the arteries and increasing their blood flow.

How do Potassium -rich foods help ?

Our body retains extra sodium when potassium is low ,and too much sodium raises blood pressure .But eating a potassium -rich diet helps the body get rid of excess sodium.

What are some recommended Potassium -rich foods ?

Here are some natural potassium -rich foods that can help lower high blood pressure ,and should be eaten daily .

1 .Baked White Potato: Potatoes contain both magnesium and potassium ,both of which are great for heart health .

2 .Bananas :Bananas contain high amounts of potassium and also contain Calcium and Magnesium .It is a food that provides ongoing energy .Bananas also contain B Vitamins which aid in relaxing us .

3.Raisins :Raisins contain even more potassium than Bananas and so they are a very good food to help lower high blood pressure naturally.Sun-dried raisins :In a 1.5 oz serving (1/4 cup ,or the amount in a small box ) of Sun-Maid's sun -dried raisins ,there are 310 mg .of Potassium ,2%Calcium ,approximately 11 mg .of Magnesium ,10 mg.of Sodium ,and 29 grams of sugar with 130 caories.This provides one full serving of fruit .FYI:Four pounds of raw grapes equals one pound of raisins .

4.Avocadoes :Avocadoes at an average contain 60% more potassium than a Banana .They are low in sodium and have good amounts of magnesium too .(And don't be worried about their fat content ,because the fat contained in avocados is mono -saturated fat ,which helps reduce our risk for heart attacks ).

5.Kiwi :A kiwi contains the same amount of potassium as a banana .It also contains Vitamins C,E and magnesium .

6.Yogurt :Yogurt contains potassium ,magnesium and calcium and helps lower blood pressure .It is a healthy food ,if the fat content can be kept low .

7.Cantaloupe :Cantaloupes have lots of potassium ,and also contain other antioxidants.

The blood pressure raises 

FAST FOODS -Fast foods are heavily processed foods ,and contain additives ,huge amounts of sodium ,sugar ,caffeine and fat .The fat 

content includes high levels of saturated and trans fats which can instantly raise blood pressure .

Alcohol :Drinking  causes an increase in free radicals in the body ,and a toxic environment for the liver .Over a period of time ,alcohol can cause a rise in blood pressure .

Caffeine : Caffeine stimulates the body ,which includes raising the heart rate .Too much caffeine can cause the heart rate to accelerate constantly ,and thus result in high blood pressure .

Disclaimer :Always consult your doctor for specific health issues .Never stop taking your blood pressure medication without consulting your doctor.

Avocado fruit (cv. 'Fuerte'); left: whole right: in section This subtropical species needs a...Image result for kiwis picture onlyImage result for kiwi fruits pictureImage result for kiwi fruits pictureImage result for kiwi fruits pictureImage result for kiwi fruits pictureImage result for kiwi fruits pictureImage result for bananas pictures only

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