मंगलवार, 11 नवंबर 2014

ॐ पूर्णमद : पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात पूर्णमुदच्यते , पूर्णस्य पूर्मादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते। ॐ शान्ति शांति शान्ति

"नानक दुखिया सब संसारा ,सुखिया सोई जो नाम अधारा "

हो या फिर -

कलियुग केवल नाम अधारा ,

सुमरि सुमरि नर उतरहिं पारा। 

जैसे सूत्र वाक्य हों या फिर तीन अक्षरी ब्रह्म वाचक (ओंकार )शब्द ॐ 

(ओम =अ +उ +म) हो ,या फिर नम : हो सबके सब सूक्तियाँ हैं मन्त्र हैं 

,aphorism हैं। 



इस घोर कलिकाल (कलियुग )में इन मन्त्रों का बड़ा सहारा है जबकि धर्म 

की तीन टांगें कट चुकी हैं। वह लँगड़ाके बा -मुश्किल चल पा रहा है।

धर्म का अर्थ है :धारयति इति धर्म :

Dharma is a code of conduct which holds the society together at all 

times ,in all spaces .Dharma is indicative of values which are 


,whose existence does not depend on space and time .

सत्यम वद धरमं चर 

Speak the truth lead a righteous life .

परहित सरस धर्म नहीं भाई। 

अर्थात दूसरे की भलाई करना दूसरे के हितार्थ कार्य करना जरूारतमन्द 


मदद करना  ही श्रेष्ठ धर्म है। प्रकृति के कण कण में हरेक जीव में 

वनस्पति में 

नदी -नाले पर्वत में भगवान है उसे किसी मंदिर गिरजे में जाकर ढूंढने की 

आवश्यकता  नहीं है व्यक्ति में देखो उसे। पूरी कायनात में उसे ही देखो। 

ईशावास्यम इदं सर्वं ,यत किञ्च जगत्यां जगत ,

तेन त्यक्तेन भुंजीथा मा गृध : कस्य स्विद् धनम्। 

Everything animate (living )or inanimate (inert or non -living )that 

is within the universe is controlled and owned by the Lord .One 

should therefore accept only those things necessary for himself 

,which are set aside as his quota ,and one should not accept other 

things ,knowing well to whom they belong .

हम ये सारा फलसफा भूल गए इसीलिए आज अकेलापन हमारा सबसे 


दुश्मन  है। 

No research in material sciences or life sciences could eliminate 

this modern malady .No immunization against it is available .TO 

remove this loneliness one gets married and produce children but 

loneliness ever remains .

Our true  friend is Mantra .It helps us when the outside world fails 

us .When we are disappointed from the outside world Mantra helps 

us .

It gradually becomes a shield against the disturbances from the 

outside world .It has the capacity to modify our behavior .

We are not effected from the vagaries of the outside world when 

we befriend a Mantra .Any Mantra from any  language short or 

long ,one two or 

 many syllables .

It can be as short as नम : or om (ॐ ) and or as long as :

ॐ पूर्णमद : पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात पूर्णमुदच्यते ,

पूर्णस्य पूर्मादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते। 

ॐ शान्ति शांति शान्ति। 

This all is full .Idam comes for the universe .Tat comes for the 

Brahman (who is the biggest and full and complete ever ).All this 

world has come from the Brahman which is perfect and full .What 

will come out of the full will also be full and perfect .The world all 

full in the beginning ,intermediate states and also at the end . 

 That God is infinite (Perfect )and this world (universe 

)which emanated from Him is also infinite .For infinite gives rise 


infinite .You take out anything from infinity it remains infinity 

.You add anything to infinity it remains infinity as ever .When this 

world springs back into the God (the infinity ),what remains is also 

infinity .

For God is existence infinite ,knowledge (consciousness )infinite 

and bliss infinite .

A Mantra helps you to know your own nature .But unfortunately 

your greatest friend is your body .You treat yourself as Body Mind  

senses complex .

इसीलिए हमारे तमाम सम्बन्ध देहात्मक स्तर पर हैं। देहात्म बुद्धि से 

परिचालित हैं।

Remember this mind and intellect is inert  .It is of material nature 

.It is finite and limited .Finite can give you finite pleasure only 

.Anything added to finite remains finite .This world which in in a 

constant flux and is a fleeting experience can not give you pleasure .

Know yourself and become infinite .Mantra will help you in this 

endeavor .

you are also that existence which is consciousness all pervading 

and eternal and bliss infinite .You are the Brahman .

It gives you solace from your mind .It tells you -you are not your 

mind .It tells you happy is who is solely relying on the universal 

law ,the Lord .

It is a bridge which helps you come out of the maze  of Maya ,the 

illusion or appearance of the phenomenal world .

Time of transition (transmigration of the soul to another body ):

आखिरी वक्त में जब प्राण छूटता है तब न मुख से कोई शब्द निकलता है 

न ज़बान खुलती है। आप का शेष जगत से जब संपर्क संबंध टूटने लगता 


तब यही दो अक्षरी /एकाक्षरी मंत्र ही आपके काम आता है। 

नम :

You are that ,though art .

tat tvam asi .

When conscious mind fails ,you are in a state of deep darkness like 

to deep sleep state .Use then your Mantra  as a witness as a Guide 

.Its energy is subtler than that of an atom and is more powerful 

than that .Make Mantra your trust worthy friend .

During jap of a Mantra a stage comes when Mantra becomes the 

leader and your mind follows the Mantra and becomes silence .


leads to quietude ,the state of being quiet ,peaceful , or tranquil .

This is called a -japa jap .jap now happens without jap .

But never ever use it for petty things .


1 टिप्पणी:

  1. बहुत सुन्दर प्रस्तुति ! धर्म की व्याख्या बिलकुल सही |यही परिभाषा मैंने अपनी पुस्तक "वैल्यू बेस्ड एजुकेशन " में दिया है |आभार
    तुझे मना लूँ प्यार से !

    जवाब देंहटाएं