(१) कीलमुंहासों से निजात के लिए आंवला (आमला ,Indian gooseberry)
यकृत (लीवर )में विषाक्त पदार्थ (toxins )जमा होने का नतीज़ा होतें हैं कील मुंहासे। आंवला न सिर्फ यकृत से इन विषाक्त पदार्थों को निकाल बाहर करता है पाचन को भी एड़ लगाता है मदद करता है पाचन में। इसका नित्य प्रति सेवन त्वचा को बेदाग़ बनाये रखता है।
(२) ग्रीन टी भरपूर है flavonoids से ,tannins और catechins से ,ये तमाम तत्व फ्ल्यू से बचाये रहते हैं।
Flavonoids : Phytochemicals found in plants, especially in the colorful pigments. Flavonoids may be beneficial for your health, because they often work as antioxidants in your body.
The flavonoid family includes many different compounds, such as flavonols, flavones, isoflavones, catechins and anthocyanidins.
Fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, tea and seeds are all good sources of flavonoids.

(१) कीलमुंहासों से निजात के लिए आंवला (आमला ,Indian gooseberry)
यकृत (लीवर )में विषाक्त पदार्थ (toxins )जमा होने का नतीज़ा होतें हैं कील मुंहासे। आंवला न सिर्फ यकृत से इन विषाक्त पदार्थों को निकाल बाहर करता है पाचन को भी एड़ लगाता है मदद करता है पाचन में। इसका नित्य प्रति सेवन त्वचा को बेदाग़ बनाये रखता है।
(२) ग्रीन टी भरपूर है flavonoids से ,tannins और catechins से ,ये तमाम तत्व फ्ल्यू से बचाये रहते हैं।
Flavonoids : Phytochemicals found in plants, especially in the colorful pigments. Flavonoids may be beneficial for your health, because they often work as antioxidants in your body.
The flavonoid family includes many different compounds, such as flavonols, flavones, isoflavones, catechins and anthocyanidins.
Fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, tea and seeds are all good sources of flavonoids.
Are the Tannins in Green Tea Unhealthy?
Most people think of green tea as being a healthy drink - and for good reason. People who choose green tea as their drink of choice may be reducing their risk of heart disease, cancer, dementia, stroke, diabetes, and even lowering their risk of obesity. Although more research is needed to confirm these positive effects, preliminary results look encouraging. What about the negative aspects of drinking green tea? One particular group of components, the tannins in green tea, have received some scrutiny. These astringent polyphenols give tea a bitter taste when present in high quantities. Are the tannins in green tea really healthy?
What Are Tannins?
Tannins are present not only in green tea leaves but in a variety of other plants and help to protect the plants against predators such as animals and insects. They're also present in red wine and give it that tart taste that most wine manufacturers would like to avoid. They give unripe fruit their characteristic bitter taste, and are even found in beer and chocolate. As unappetizing as it may sound, tannins are also used to tan leather.
Are the Tannins in Green Tea Beneficial?
The tannins in green tea have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and antiparasitic effects, and have even been shown to inhibit replication of the HIV virus. It's hardly surprising that tannins would have these benefits since one of their primary functions is to protect plants against predators and disease. One way in which the tannins in green tea can be helpful to humans is by killing the bacteria that lead to gingivitis or gum disease. They may also help in the treatment of diarrhea and may reduce the risk of wound infection.
Do the Tannins in Green Tea Have Negative Effects?
One of the biggest problems associated with the tannins in green tea is their effect on iron absorption. Tannins form a complex with iron in the intestinal tract making it less readily absorbed and used by the body. For this reason, it's recommended that green tea not be drank with meals to avoid interfering with iron absorption. Adding lemon to green tea can offset some of the effects of tannins on iron absorption. The tannins in green tea can also cause nausea and mild digestive upset in susceptible individuals. Tannins slow down protein digestion although large quantities would be needed for this to be a problem.
The Bottom Line?
The tannins in green tea have both positive and negative effects. The biggest concern is the effect they have on iron absorption. To offset this effect, drink green tea only between meals and add a few drops of lemon juice to each cup. This will help to increase absorption of iron as well as enhance the bioavailability of the catechins that make green tea such a healthy drink. If you have heart disease or high blood pressure, talk to your doctor before drinking caffeinated beverages such as green tea.
Short -term deficit of vitamin A while the lungs are being formed in the baby during pregnancy has been linked to asthma later in life ..The deficiency can cause profound changes in the smooth muscle that surrounds the airways ,causing adult lungs to respond to stimuli with excessive narrowing of airways .
Short -term deficit of vitamin A while the lungs are being formed in the baby during pregnancy has been linked to asthma later in life ..The deficiency can cause profound changes in the smooth muscle that surrounds the airways ,causing adult lungs to respond to stimuli with excessive narrowing of airways .
Vitamin A rich diet essential for proper lung formation
New York: In a significant breakthrough, the short-term deficit of vitamin A while the lungs are being formed
in the baby during pregnancy has been linked to asthma later in life.
A team of Columbia University researchers has found the first direct evidence of a link between prenatal vitamin A deficiency and postnatal airway hyperresponsiveness - a hallmark of asthma.
The vitamin A deficiency can cause profound changes in the smooth muscle that surrounds the airways - causing the adult lungs to respond to environmental or pharmacological stimuli with excessive narrowing of airways, say Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) investigators led by Wellington V. Cardoso.
“Researchers have long wondered what makes some people more susceptible than others to developing asthma symptoms when exposed to the same stimulus,” added Cardoso, faculty member in the division of pulmonary allergy clinical care medicine.
Our study suggests that the presence of structural and functional abnormalities in the lungs due to vitamin A deficiency during development is an important and under-appreciated factor in this susceptibility, he stressed.
Previous studies had shown that retinoic acid (RA) - the active metabolite of vitamin A - is essential for normal lung development.
The researchers used a mouse model in which they could control when and in what amount vitamin A would reach the developing foetus through maternal diet.
They timed the vitamin A deficiency to the middle of gestation, coinciding with the period of formation of the airway tree in the foetus.
Foetuses that were deprived of vitamin A were found to have excess smooth muscle in the airways, compared with control groups.
In a subsequent experiment, the mice were again deprived of vitamin A during the same developmental stage, but returned to a normal diet after that stage and until adulthood.
"When the animals reached adulthood, they appeared normal; they had no problems typically associated with vitamin A deficiency,” explained Cardoso.
However, pulmonary function tests showed that their lungs were clearly not normal.
When the mice were challenged with methacholine, a chemical that causes the airway to contract, their response was significantly more severe than that of controls.
The findings underscore the importance of sufficient vitamin A in the diet, which remains a significant challenge in developing countries, including India.

Apples contain a flavonoid called
Apples contain a flavonoid called quercetin.
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