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बस आपको मुझे मेरे ई-मेल roopchandrashastri@gmail.com पर एक मेल करना होगा। मैं आपको “आपका ब्लॉग” पर लेखक के रूप में आमन्त्रित कर दूँगा। आप मेल स्वीकार कीजिए और अपनी अकविता, संस्मरण, मुक्तक, छन्दबद्धरचना, गीत, ग़ज़ल, शालीनचित्र, यात्रासंस्मरण आदि प्रकाशित कीजिए।
शनिवार, 8 फ़रवरी 2014
आरोग्य प्रहरी :कभी कभार बेशक खाइये फास्ट फ़ूड (केलोरी डेंस बासा भोजन )लेकिन बढ़िया रहेगा साथ में एक साइड सलाद भी मंगाएं।
आरोग्य प्रहरी (१) हलकी सी भाप लगाकर ब्रोकली खाइये। इससे मिलेगा आपको असरकारी कैंसर रोधी एन्ज़ाइम माइरोसाइनेज (Myrosinase).ब्रोकली को ज्यादा पकाके खाने से इससे मिलने वाले लाभ तथा तत्व कमतर रह जाते हैं। (२) कसरत करने के लिए अपना एक जोड़ीदार (हमजोली साथी )ढूँढिये। इससे आपको जिम पर हर रोज़ समय पर पहुँचने में लगातार मदद मिलेगी। (३)BODY ODOUR MAY BE YOUR NEW PASSWORD Researchers have found that there are recognisable patterns of each person's body that remain steady .With an accuracy rate of 85% it could provide a less aggressive biometric option . (4)कभी कभार बेशक खाइये फास्ट फ़ूड (केलोरी डेंस बासा भोजन )लेकिन बढ़िया रहेगा साथ में एक साइड सलाद भी मंगाएं। (५) हाड़तोड़ वर्क आउट /मेहनत के बाद शरीर से पसीने के साथ सोडियम और पोटेशियम खनिज भी निकल जाते हैं इनकी भरपाई के लिए स्पोर्ट्स ड्रिंक्स लीजिये या फिर केला खाइये नमक निम्बू की शिकंजबी पीजिये। (६)MAMMOTHS WIPED OUT BY GRASS INVASION A team of international researchers have used new DNA technology to show that a drastic change in the dominant vegetation -from protein -rich herbs to less nutritious grass -could be behind their demise. (7) Low fat yoghurt can lower type 2 diabetes risk Swapping snacks — such as potato chips — for low-fat yogurt can cut the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by almost half, according to the results of a new observational study.
The findings, involving a randomly selected subgroup from the larger EPIC-Norfolk study, were published online February 5 inDiabetologia by Nita G. Forouhi, MBB, PhD, from the Medical Research Council (MRC) Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, United Kingdom, and colleagues.
"A good place to include yogurt in your diet to reap the benefits against onset of diabetes would be instead of a packet of crisps [potato chips].We found that swapping crisps for yogurt offered protection against onset of diabetes. This may form a practical dietary change suggestion for patients at risk of diabetes as well as among the general population," Dr. Forouhi toldMedscape Medical News in an email.
In the study — the first to examine the relationship of dairy consumption with incident type 2 diabetes using prospective 7-day food diaries — subjects with the highest low-fat yogurt consumption had a 28% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes over 11 years of follow-up compared with those who ate very little or no yogurt, after adjustment for a variety of possible confounders.
"Current US dietary guidelines recommend increasing intake of fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese… Recommending yogurt intake is therefore in keeping with dietary guidelines for all patients," Dr. Forouhi said.
And, she noted, "At a time when other research has shown that certain foods raise health risks, such as consuming high amounts of added sugar, it is reassuring to have messages about other foods, like yogurt and low-fat fermented dairy products, that could be good for our health."
Dietary Dairy Examined
The study compared a detailed daily record of all the food and drink consumed over a week at the time of study entry among 753 people who developed new-onset type 2 diabetes over 11 years of follow-up, with 3502 randomly selected study participants from EPIC-Norfolk, which comprised more than 25,000 men and women.
At baseline, subjects had a mean age of 59 years and body mass index (BMI) of 26 kg/m 2; they filled in detailed diary questionnaires that asked about all foods containing dairy as the main ingredient and the type of dairy product (yogurt, cheese, or milk). These were divided into high-fat and low-fat based on a 3.9% cutoff for total fat content. Fermented dairy products (all yogurt, all cheese, sour cream, and crème fraiche) were also categorized separately into high- and low-fat.
Milk was the most-consumed dairy product, accounting for 82%, followed by cheese (9%) and yogurt (8%). Total average dairy consumption was 269 g/day, of which 65% was low-fat.
Total overall dairy consumption was not associated with the development of diabetes, but low-fat dairy intake was, after adjustment for age and sex. Yet even this became nonsignificant after further adjustment for other confounders including BMI, smoking, alcohol consumption, social class, physical activity, and other dietary components.
Similarly, total fermented dairy-product consumption was associated with a 19% lower risk, but this also became nonsignificant after adjustment for possible confounders.
Low-Fat Fermented Dairy Products Linked to Lower Risk
But after full adjustment, a significant relationship remained between intake of low-fat fermented dairy products and the development of type 2 diabetes, with a hazard ratio of 0.76 for the highest vs lowest tertiles ( P for trend = .049).
"In public-health terms this equates to 4.5 standard-size portions (125 g) per week of low-fat fermented dairy products, largely composed of yogurt (all types) and including low-fat unripened cheese such as low-fat cottage cheese and fromage frais," the researchers say.
Low-fat yogurt in particular was associated with a 35% reduced risk after adjustment for age and sex ( Pfor trend < .001), and this relationship remained significant even after adjustment for other potential confounders (HR 0.72, P for trend = .017).
In a separate analysis, the effect of substituting dairy products for snacks — such as cake, pudding, biscuits, or chips — was examined. Eating yogurt instead of such snacks resulted in a 47% lower risk for diabetes, but none of the other substitutions resulted in a significant reduction in diabetes risk.
Several possible mechanisms could explain the relationship between fermented dairy and diabetes, including promotion of the synthesis of menaquinone (vitamin K 2), which has been linked to reduced rates of type 2 diabetes, or the actions of probiotic bacteria, which have been found to improve lipid profiles and antioxidant status in patients with type 2 diabetes, the researchers suggest.
Moreover, low-fat fermented dairy products are "naturally low in fat and high in water content and are, therefore, low energy-dense foods. Studies have shown an independent association of low energy-dense foods with lower fasting insulin levels and the metabolic syndrome and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes," they say.
Dr. Forouhi told Medscape Medical News that the use of 7-day food diaries allows for a much more careful analysis of dairy intake than has been done in prior studies.
"This work gives us important…and more detailed information than our own past research and that of others. We were able to estimate people's diets in much more detail and in real time with all food and drink that was consumed being recorded with a 7-day food diary.
"This gets around an important limitation of the past research, which has relied on participants' recall of foods they have eaten in the past. This gives us greater confidence that low-fat fermented dairy and yogurt specifically within that group can be important for the prevention of diabetes as part of an overall healthy lifestyle," she concluded.
The EPIC-Norfolk study is supported by program grants from the Medical Research Council UK and Cancer Research UK. The authors report no relevant financial relationships.
Diabetologia. Published online February 4, 2014. Article
Eating low-fat yogurt could lower risk of Type 2 Diabetes
A British study reveals eating low-fat yogurt could help lower your risk of Type 2 Diabetes.
Researchers monitored the dietary habits and health of more than 4,000 men and women over 11 years.
Dairy products as a whole had no link to diabetes risk. However, people who ate an average of four and a half cups of low fat yogurt a week were 28 percent less likely to develop diabetes.
Experts think the probiotic bacteria in yogurt and cottage cheese might help eliminate gut microbes linked to diabetes development.
Low-fat yoghurt may reduce diabetes risk
Eating low-fat yoghurt can reduce the risk of developing type-2 diabetes by almost a third, a new study has shown.
The Cambridge University study, published in the journal Diabetologia, analysed seven-day food diaries kept by 4000 British men and women aged 45 to 74 years, including 753 who developed type-2 diabetes over the following 11 years.
Researchers divided participants into low, medium and high consumers of dairy and also analysed the type of dairy products they were consuming.
They found that people who consumed the highest amount of low-fat yoghurt had a 28 per cent reduced risk of developing diabetes compared to people who did not consume low-fat yoghurt.
The group consumed an average of 4.5 125 gram pots of low-fat yoghurt a week. The researchers classified products containing less than 3.9 per cent fat as low fat.
High consumption of other low-fat fermented diary products including cottage cheese and fromage frais was also associated with a reduced risk of developing type-2 diabetes.
The researchers did not find any association between total or high-fat dairy consumption, or consumption of any kind of milk, and the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.
Austin Hospital endocrinologist Richard O'Brien said the study did not prove that eating low-fat fermented dairy products caused the reduced diabetes risk, although there was a potential scientific basis for the link.
He said it was possible that chemicals called menaquinones made by the fermentation process could protect against diabetes, and that probiotic bacteria contained in yoghurt could promote a healthy environment in the gut.
Associate Professor O'Brien said it was important to note that the yoghurt eaters in the study tended to be slimmer, more physically active and smoke and drink less, so were a more healthy group than average overall.
"The investigators used sophisticated computer modelling to try and control for all of those other factors but this is always difficult," he said.
"Nevertheless, I believe these results are really important as they build on what we know from previous studies. I already eat yoghurt regularly and I'll certainly be recommending it to my patients from now on."
La Trobe University dietician Audrey Tierney said that the key message was "to look at the net effect of whole foods, dietary patterns and healthy lifestyle factors and not only isolated foods, nutrients or behaviours".
Dr Tierney said people eating low-fat yoghurt should make sure the fat had not been replaced with high amounts of sugar. She said Australian dietary guidelines recommended foods containing less than 10g of sugar per 100g.
About 1 million Australians have been diagnosed with type-2 diabetes, a chronic condition in which the pancreas does not produce sufficient amounts of insulin, which is needed to convert glucose into energy.
Lifestyle factors including high blood pressure, being overweight and having a poor diet increase the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.
Arctic winters shrink by a month
Arctic winters may have got shorter by a month. Arctic lakes have been found to be freezing up later in the year and thawing earlier, creating a winter ice season about 24 days shorter than it was in 1950.
Satellite imagery has also confirmed that climate change has dramatically affected the thickness of lake ice at the coldest point in the season: In 2011, Arctic lake ice was up to 38 centimeters thinner than it was in 1950.
The study of more than 400 lakes of the North Slope of Alaska is the first time researchers have been able to document the magnitude of lake-ice changes in the region over such a long period of time.
The research team used satellite radar imagery from the European Space Agency to determine that 62% of the lakes in the region froze to the bottom in 1992. By 2011, only 26% of lakes froze down to the bed, or bottom of the lake.
Overall, there was a 22% reduction in what the researchers call "grounded ice" from 1992 to 2011.
Twenty years of satellite radar imagery say that changes in air temperature and winter precipitation over the last five decades have affected the timing, duration and thickness of the ice cover on lakes in the Arctic.
In this region, warmer climate conditions result in thinner ice cover on shallow lakes and, consequently, a smaller fraction of lakes freezing all the way through during winter months.
"We've found that the thickness of the ice has decreased tremendously in response to climate warming in the region," said lead author Cristina Surdu from the University of Waterloo. "When we saw the actual numbers we were shocked at how dramatic the change has been. It's basically more than a foot of ice by the end of winter".
Researchers were able to tell the difference between a fully frozen lake and one that had not completely frozen to the bottom, because satellite radar signals behave very differently, depending on presence or absence of water underneath the ice.
Radar signals are absorbed into the sediment under the lake when it is frozen to the bottom. However, when there is water under the ice with bubbles, the beam bounces back strongly towards the radar system. Therefore, lakes that are completely frozen show up on satellite images as very dark while those that are not frozen to the lake bed are bright.
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