Mars spacecraft successfully placed in orbit around earth
3.25 pm:The satellite has been placed on the elliptical orbit
of Earth.
2.38 pm:Indian rocket carrying the country's first Mars orbiter

14. 22 pm:US Ambassador to witness Mars mission
The heat shield had separated as scheduled and the
ISRO officials are hoping that the agency's crucial space
India's space ambition made a giant leap at 2.38pm on
Tuesday - mangalvaar, the day of planet Mars. The country's
mission to the red planet lifted off from the Satish Dhawan
Space Centre at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh with the Mars
Orbiter on board, along with other scientific equipment.
The Mars Orbiter will observe the physical features of Mars
of Earth.
2.38 pm:Indian rocket carrying the country's first Mars orbiter
on Tuesday took off from the launch pad at the Satish
Dhawan Space Centre here in Andhra Pradesh.

Exactly at 2.38 p.m., the rocket -- Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-C25 (PSLV-C25) --standing around 44 metres tall and
weighing around 320 tonnes hurtled towards the heavens
with orange flames fiercely burning at its tail.
The space centre is around 80 km north of Chennai.
The total project cost is around Rs.450 crore with the rocket
costing around Rs.110 crore, orbiter around Rs.150 crore
and the balance spent on beefing up the ground support
and tracking systems.
The entire flight sequence -- lift-off to the satellite ejection --
will take around 44 minutes -- nearly double the time of
normal PSLV rocket missions.
India began its space journey in 1975 with the launch of
Aryabhatta using a Russian rocket and till date, it has
completed over 100 space missions.

14. 22 pm:US Ambassador to witness Mars mission
Soon after arrival, she left for the spaceport, about 100 km
US Ambassador to India Nancy Powell is in India to witness
the launch of the Mars mission from Sriharikota in Andhra
Soon after arrival, she left for the spaceport, about 100 km
from here.
12.29 pm:NASA spacecraft MAVEN to enter Mars orbit the
11.54 am:All vehicle systems switched on. The countdown
11.40 am:Second Stage (PS2) Propellant filling operations
14.05 pm:ISRO chairman Radhakrishnan arrives at mission
control center.
12.29 pm:NASA spacecraft MAVEN to enter Mars orbit the
same day as India's orbiter in September 2014.
11.54 am:All vehicle systems switched on. The countdown
for the launch started at 6:08 hours (IST).
11.40 am:Second Stage (PS2) Propellant filling operations
Space scientists at Indian Space Research Organisation's
(ISRO) rocket mission control room were intently watching
the rocket escaping the earth's gravitational pull with a one-
way ticket.
The heat shield had separated as scheduled and the
mission was on track, an ISRO official said.
ISRO officials are hoping that the agency's crucial space
mission will turn out to be a grand success.
The PSLV-C25 rocket is expected to spit out its only
luggage, the 1,340 kg Mars orbiter.
Tuesday - mangalvaar, the day of planet Mars. The country's
mission to the red planet lifted off from the Satish Dhawan
Space Centre at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh with the Mars
Orbiter on board, along with other scientific equipment.
If all goes according to plan, this will also push India into a
very small club of nations with interplanetary travel
capabilities. The nine-month long journey, after the Orbiter
goes around Earth for 22-25 days, is scheduled to enter
Mars' orbit on September 24, 2014.
The Mars Orbiter will observe the physical features of Mars
and conduct limited study of the Martian atmosphere as
finalised by the Advisory Committee on Space Sciences. The
pay loads include Lyman Lpha Photometer to measure the
relative abundance of deuterium and hydrogen from Lyman-
alpha emission; Methane Sensor for Mars to measure
methane in the Martian atmosphere, and thus determine
past existence of life; Mars Colour Camera to capture images
and information about the surface of Mars and its
composition; Mars Exopheric Neutral Composition Analyser,
which is
a spectrometer; and Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer
to map surface composition and mineralogy of Mars.
On Monday, officials at the SDSC were busy conducting
mandatory checks and preparations for propellant filling
operations of Second Stage (PS2).
"On Sunday, we completed a host of operations, such as,
"On Sunday, we completed a host of operations, such as,
propellant filling of PS4 stage and RCT; filling of Mixed
of Nitrogen (MON); filling of Mono Methyl Hydrazine (MMH)
and Reaction Control Thrusters (RCT). The Mars Orbiter
Mission is on schedule," a senior official from SDSC said.
Thrusters (RCT). The Mars Orbiter Mission is on schedule,"
a senior official from SDSC said.

TheRs.450-crore Mars Orbiter Mission is India's first
interplanetary mission to planet Mars with an orbiter craft
to orbit Mars in an elliptical orbit. The project, built over a
remarkably short period of two years, is primarily a
technological mission considering the critical operations and
stringent requirements on propulsion and other systems
of the spacecraft.
Just 21 out of the 51 missions launched to Mars by different
countries have been successful and that too by only three
space agencies - NASA, European Space Agency and the
Russian Federal Space Agency (better known as
Roscosmos). ISRO's success will put India into a league
China tried, and failed, to enter last year. Japan's Mars
mission had failed too in 2003.
The success of the Mars Orbiter Mission, therefore, will also
make India the only Asian nation to have achieved the feat.
But Isro is quick to dismiss any talk of the mission being
about an Asian space race. "One of the main objectives of
first Indian mission to Mars is to develop the technologies
required for design, planning, management and operations
of an interplanetary mission.
The technological objective include design and realisation of
a Mars orbiter with a capability to survive and perform
Earthbound manoeuvres, cruise phase of 300 days, Mars
orbit insertion /capture, and on-orbit phase around Mars;
ensure deep space communication, navigation, mission
planning and management," a spokesperson for the mission
pointed out.
"Not only Nair, even (development economist) Jean Dreeze
"ISRO is pursuing specific objectives, as the government
Mega bill sparks huge debate
Can a country with millions of poor afford to spendRs.450
crore on a Mars exploration mission? India's ambitious Mars
Orbiter Mission has sparked a heated debate on the utility of
the project, with even Isroâs own former chairman G.
Madhavan Nair terming it a "national waste".
"Not only Nair, even (development economist) Jean Dreeze
made the same argument. Do we need an MOM at the cost
of Rs.450 crore when we have children dying of malnutrition
and rural sanitation remains a distant dream? Space quest
is understandable for advanced economies. May be our
priorities are wrong," said development economist Dr G.
Neginhal. Isro officials, though, beg to differ.

"ISRO is pursuing specific objectives, as the government
provides aims and goals to different departments.
It is wrong to compare two different issues," a spokesperson
It is wrong to compare two different issues," a spokesperson

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