
आप सबके लिए “आपका ब्लॉग” तैयार है। यहाँ आप अपनी किसी भी विधा की कृति (जैसे- अकविता, संस्मरण, मुक्तक, छन्दबद्धरचना, गीत, ग़ज़ल, शालीनचित्र, यात्रासंस्मरण आदि प्रकाशित कर सकते हैं।

बस आपको मुझे मेरे ई-मेल roopchandrashastri@gmail.com पर एक मेल करना होगा। मैं आपको “आपका ब्लॉग” पर लेखक के रूप में आमन्त्रित कर दूँगा। आप मेल स्वीकार कीजिए और अपनी अकविता, संस्मरण, मुक्तक, छन्दबद्धरचना, गीत, ग़ज़ल, शालीनचित्र, यात्रासंस्मरण आदि प्रकाशित कीजिए।


शुक्रवार, 8 नवंबर 2013

Got milk ?Limit it to 2 cups

Got milk ?Limit it to 2 cups 

Young children who drink cow's milk should be limited to 2 cups a 

day ,according to a study published in Pediatrics .Researchers 

assessed the amount of milk that more than 1,300 children ages 2 


5 drank .They found that drinking two cups of milk was sufficient 

to maintain their vitamin D levels without decreasing their iron

stores .

More than that amount can lower the children's supply iron supply ,

but less may not provide enough vitamin D. 


Young children who have contact with dogs and cats are healthier than those who don't ,according to a study published in Pediatrics .

Researchers followed nearly 400 children from pregnancy to their first birthdays .The study determined that those who lived with a dog or cat ,or had frequent contact with pets ,had fewer respiratory and ear infections than children who did not have such a contact . 

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