(१) Yoyo diets wreck your mental well being .Be wary of those offering to help you lose 10kg in 2 months
Yo-yo dieting or yo-yo effect, also known as weight cycling, is a term "yo-yo dieting" coined by Kelly D.
Brownell at Yale University, in reference to the cyclical ...loss and gain of weight, resembling the up-down
motion of a yo-yo. In this process, the dieter is initially successful in the pursuit of weight loss but is
unsuccessful in maintaining the loss long-term and begins to gain the weight back. The dieter then seeks to lose
the regained weight, and the cycle begins again.
Weight Cycling...Facts About "Yo-Yo" Dieting
Weight cycling has not been proven to increase the amount of fat tissue in people who lose and regain weight. Researchers have found that after a weight cycle, those who return to their original weights have the same amount of fat and lean tissue (muscle) as they did prior to weight cycling. People who exercise during a weight cycle may actually gain muscle.

(१) Yoyo diets wreck your mental well being .Be wary of those offering to help you lose 10kg in 2 months
Yo-yo dieting or yo-yo effect, also known as weight cycling, is a term "yo-yo dieting" coined by Kelly D.
Brownell at Yale University, in reference to the cyclical
motion of a yo-yo. In this process, the dieter is initially successful in the pursuit of weight loss but is
unsuccessful in maintaining the loss long-term and begins to gain the weight back. The dieter then seeks to lose
the regained weight, and the cycle begins again.
Weight Cycling...Facts About "Yo-Yo" Dieting
Weight cycling is the repeated loss and regain of body weight. When weight cycling is the result of dieting, it is often called "yo-yo" dieting. A weight cycle can range from small weight losses and gains (5-10 lbs. per cycle) to large changes in weight (50 lbs. or more per cycle).
Some research links weight cycling with certain health risks. To avoid potential risks, most experts recommend that obese adults adopt healthy eating and regular physical activity habits to achieve and maintain a healthier weight for life. Non-obese adults should try to maintain their weight through healthy eating and regular physical activity.
If I regain lost weight, won't losing it again be even harder?
A person who repeatedly loses and gains weight should not have more trouble trying to reach and maintain a healthy weight than a person attempting to lose weight for the first time. Most studies show that weight cycling does not affect one's metabolic rate-the rate at which the body burns fuel (food) for energy. Based on these findings, weight cycling should not affect the success of future weight-loss efforts. Metabolism does, however, slow down as a person ages. In addition, older people are often less physically active than when they were younger. Regardless of your age, making regular physical activity as well as healthy eating habits a part of your life will aid weight loss and improve health overall.
Will weight cycling leave me with more fat and less muscle than if I had not dieted at all?
Weight cycling has not been proven to increase the amount of fat tissue in people who lose and regain weight. Researchers have found that after a weight cycle, those who return to their original weights have the same amount of fat and lean tissue (muscle) as they did prior to weight cycling. People who exercise during a weight cycle may actually gain muscle.
Is weight cycling harmful to my health?
Some studies suggest that weight cycling may increase the risk for certain health problems. These include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and gallbladder disease. For adults who are not obese and do not have weight-related health problems, experts recommend maintaining a stable weight to avoid any potential health risks associated with weight cycling. Obese adults, however, should continue to try to achieve modest weight loss to improve overall health and reduce the risk of developing obesity-related diseases.
Losing and regaining weight may have a negative psychological effect if you let yourself become discouraged or depressed. Weight cycling should not be a reason to "feel like a failure." Instead it is a reason to refocus on making long-term changes in your diet and level of physical activity to help you keep off the pounds you lose.
(2)आलू का भंडारण करते वक्त इनके बीच एक एपिल रख दीजिये।
नमी -
को सोख लेता है 'एपिल' इस प्रकार आलुओं का अंकुरण
(sprouting)मुल्तवी हो जाता
(३)पतले होने का राज छिपा है समुद्री शैवाल (एक प्रकार की विविध
समुद्री वनस्पति )
विज्ञानियों ने समुद्री शैवाल में कुछ ऐसे रेशों (seaweed fibers ) का
पता लगाया है जो हमारे शरीर को चर्बी ज़ज्ब (अवशोषित ) करने से
रोक सकने की
क्षमता लिए हुए हैं।इन्हें एल्गिनेट (alginate )कहा जा रहा है। प्रयोगों
परीक्षणों से पता चला है यह हमारे आंत्र क्षेत्र में (gut )वसा के पाचन
को शमित (supress ) रख सकती है। हमारे अग्नशाय में मौज़ूद एक
एन्ज़ाइम (लाइपेज ,lipase)वसा को आंत्र - क्षेत्र में सरल रूपं में तोड़
है। यह रेशे उसे ऐसा करने से भरसक रोकते हैं।
Seaweed could be the future of slimming ,scientists have
found a natural seaweed fibre called alignate which
prevents the body from absorbing fat .Tests show that it can
suppress the digestion of fat in the gut ,by reducing the fat
breakdown by a digestive enzyme ,pancreatic lipase .
(४) सफ़ेद और हरे डंठल वाली सेलरी जो सलाद के रूप में कच्ची भी
जाती है स्टीम लगाके भी ,मेग्नीशियम जैसे आवश्यक खनिज लिए
रहती है ,ज़रूरी तेल भी इससे मिल जाते हैं जो हमारे तंत्रिका तंत्र
(स्नायुविक प्रणाली ,नर्वस सिस्टम )को आराम पहुंचाने वाले साबित
हैं। इस तंत्र की पीड़ा को ,विक्षोभ को कम करते हैं।
(५)एन्ज़ाइम पौधों और पशुओं द्वारा उत्पादित ऐसे पदार्थ होतें हैं जो
रासायनिक परिवर्तन के घटित होने में सहायता करते हैं।पपीते में
खासकर कच्चे पपीते में कुछ ऐसे एन्ज़ाइम मौज़ूद रहते हैं जो प्रोटीनों
के पाचन को
एड़ लगाते हैं पाचक एन्ज़ाइम कहाते हैं।ये प्रोटीन के घटकों को तोड़ देते
Papaya contains digestive enzymes that digest proteins by
breaking the protein content .The enzyme is mostly found in
unripe papaya .
बहुत सुन्दर प्रस्तुति...!
जवाब देंहटाएं--
आपकी इस प्रविष्टि् की चर्चा आज मंगलवार (04-03-2014) को "कभी पलट कर देखना" (चर्चा मंच-1541) पर भी है।
सूचना देने का उद्देश्य है कि यदि किसी रचनाकार की प्रविष्टि का लिंक किसी स्थान पर लगाया जाये तो उसकी सूचना देना व्यवस्थापक का नैतिक कर्तव्य होता है।
हार्दिक शुभकामनाओं के साथ।
डॉ.रूपचन्द्र शास्त्री 'मयंक'
बहुत सुंदर जानकारी ।
जवाब देंहटाएंजी हाँ, ये सब चीज़ें स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभकारी हैं !
जवाब देंहटाएं