(१)तेज़ रसायनों से लैस नहाने के साबुन चमड़ी से तेल (चिकनाहट ) ले
उड़ते हैं। ग्लीसरीन आधारित साबुन ही भले जिनमें क्लीनजर्स भी माइल्ड
रहते हैं।
(२) प्राणायाम शरीर में दौड़ते फ़लुइड्स (तरल पदार्थों ) की रफ़्तार बढ़ा
है फलत : तरल ज्यादा वेग से ऊतकों के पार जाने लगते हैं। इससे
कोशाओं को बेहतर पोषण मिलता है। रोग प्रतिरक्षण बढ़ता है।
(३) War of the veggies
Culinary experts vote for the most overrated vegetables, and the underdogs that must find a place on your plate.
Why is palak enjoying the spotlight while beetroots play second fiddle? While certain vegetables are paraded as poster foods for a healthy diet, many are an oversell say food specialists.
Drumsticks have flowers and leaves that are edible. They contain more Vitamin A than carrots, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, more Vitamin C than oranges, and more potassium than bananas.

Colocassia leaves (aloo patta) are usually restricted to making aloo vadi, but try making pathal bhaji — a gravy dish and amaranthus or lal math with dried shrimp and onions.

Palak is either pureed or paired with potates or paneer, so it's properties are overridden.

Sarson ka saag was earlier available only during winter, but now, thanks to the canned variety, it's served all year. And that's not healthy.

Snake or serpent gourd aka padwal is rich in chlorophyll and carotene that purifies blood. Each chlorophyll molecule contains magnesium which aids calcium absorption and promotes healthy liver function. It is high in dietary fibre, keeping your intestines clean and your body cool. Especially good for meat eaters.

Malabar spinach or poi saag can simply be steamed and consumed. It cleanses the blood and releases energy slowly through the day. Your body will also get calcium, potassium, manganese and copper. It's a must for pregnant women.

Brinjal aka eggplant or aubergine should be consumed not more than twice a month. It contains solanine, an alkaloid which is poisonous if had in excess of 400 mg (roughly 36 eggplants). Overdoing it prevents absorption of minerals required for good bone health.

Everyone's favourite, the potato is brimming with carbohydrates. It's also higher on the glycemic index than sugar, so skip it if you are trying to lose weight. A hundred grams of potato has 77 calories that can throw your blood sugar levels off balance.
Zucchinis are a low calorie snack with 25 calories per serving. They are also rich in micro minerals like potassium (more than a banana), magnesium and fibre, making them a good pick for those suffering from high blood pressure and obesity. Preparations are plenty; roast, grill, boil or puree in soups. Pickle if need be. Use small-sized zucchinis with meat, fish, eggs or rice.
Beetroot is known as a superfood. The pigment that gives beets their rich, purple-crimson colour — betacyanin — is a powerful cancerfighting substance. It's a must for those who are anaemic thanks to its folate and iron content. Beetroot juice treats hangovers. Add beetroots to a salad or grab a glass of beetroot juice without straining.

Onions are often misused and added unnecessarily. There are also a variety of onions that remain unexplored. Lack of awareness is the problem here. Raw onion should not be consumed by thyroid patients.
Spinach (palak) isn't the only leafy vegetable available and herein lies our folly. For example, fenugreek leaves (methi), besides being rich in iron, control diabetes and gastric problems.
Nico Goghavala Restaurateur
Swiss Chard has been sidelined since Kale became popular. It's flavourful and nutritious. Like beets, chard is a source of phytonutrients called betalains that protect against toxins.
Broccoli can be pureed, boiled, grilled and steamed and contains Vitamin A, K, B-complex, iron, zinc, phosphorus and phytonutrients. It protects you against heart disease and diabetes.

Kale, a green leafy cousin of cabbage, doesn't tickle taste buds when eaten raw and cooking it renders it tasteless.
Meanwhile, everyone's favourite iceberg lettuce is quick to wilt. Romaine and Arugula are better options.
Shilarna Vaze, Chef and television host
Yellow pumpkin fondly called kadu is used in curries and sabzi in Indian fare but can be a beautiful part of Italian cuisine. Try pumpkin pasta or pumpkin-stuffed ravioli that also enjoys a low calorie count (100 g equals to 26 Calories). The sweet taste and texture complements continental cuisine. It's also stacked with antioxidants such as leutin, xanthin, and carotenes.
Besides being a good salad vegetable, beetroots are easy to cook and great to look at thanks to their vibrant colour. Try beetroot risotto or beetroot served with goat cheese. It packs in soluble fibres, flavanoids and betacyanin that are good to fight bad cholesterol.
Artichokes are difficult to peel, get oxidised quickly and the effort is simply not worth the time.

Asparagus tends to be over priced.
Yellow pumpkin fondly called kadu is used in curries and sabzi in Indian fare but can be a beautiful part of Italian cuisine. Try pumpkin pasta or pumpkin-stuffed ravioli that also enjoys a low calorie count (100 g equals to 26 Calories). The sweet taste and texture complements continental cuisine. It's also stacked with antioxidants such as leutin, xanthin, and carotenes.
Besides being a good salad vegetable, beetroots are easy to cook and great to look at thanks to their vibrant colour. Try beetroot risotto or beetroot served with goat cheese. It packs in soluble fibres, flavanoids and betacyanin that are good to fight bad cholesterol.
(१)तेज़ रसायनों से लैस नहाने के साबुन चमड़ी से तेल (चिकनाहट ) ले
उड़ते हैं। ग्लीसरीन आधारित साबुन ही भले जिनमें क्लीनजर्स भी माइल्ड
रहते हैं।
(२) प्राणायाम शरीर में दौड़ते फ़लुइड्स (तरल पदार्थों ) की रफ़्तार बढ़ा
है फलत : तरल ज्यादा वेग से ऊतकों के पार जाने लगते हैं। इससे
कोशाओं को बेहतर पोषण मिलता है। रोग प्रतिरक्षण बढ़ता है।
(३) War of the veggies
Culinary experts vote for the most overrated vegetables, and the underdogs that must find a place on your plate.
Why is palak enjoying the spotlight while beetroots play second fiddle? While certain vegetables are paraded as poster foods for a healthy diet, many are an oversell say food specialists.
Drumsticks have flowers and leaves that are edible. They contain more Vitamin A than carrots, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, more Vitamin C than oranges, and more potassium than bananas.
Colocassia leaves (aloo patta) are usually restricted to making aloo vadi, but try making pathal bhaji — a gravy dish and amaranthus or lal math with dried shrimp and onions.
Palak is either pureed or paired with potates or paneer, so it's properties are overridden.
Sarson ka saag was earlier available only during winter, but now, thanks to the canned variety, it's served all year. And that's not healthy.
Snake or serpent gourd aka padwal is rich in chlorophyll and carotene that purifies blood. Each chlorophyll molecule contains magnesium which aids calcium absorption and promotes healthy liver function. It is high in dietary fibre, keeping your intestines clean and your body cool. Especially good for meat eaters.
Malabar spinach or poi saag can simply be steamed and consumed. It cleanses the blood and releases energy slowly through the day. Your body will also get calcium, potassium, manganese and copper. It's a must for pregnant women.
Brinjal aka eggplant or aubergine should be consumed not more than twice a month. It contains solanine, an alkaloid which is poisonous if had in excess of 400 mg (roughly 36 eggplants). Overdoing it prevents absorption of minerals required for good bone health.
Everyone's favourite, the potato is brimming with carbohydrates. It's also higher on the glycemic index than sugar, so skip it if you are trying to lose weight. A hundred grams of potato has 77 calories that can throw your blood sugar levels off balance.
Zucchinis are a low calorie snack with 25 calories per serving. They are also rich in micro minerals like potassium (more than a banana), magnesium and fibre, making them a good pick for those suffering from high blood pressure and obesity. Preparations are plenty; roast, grill, boil or puree in soups. Pickle if need be. Use small-sized zucchinis with meat, fish, eggs or rice.
Beetroot is known as a superfood. The pigment that gives beets their rich, purple-crimson colour — betacyanin — is a powerful cancerfighting substance. It's a must for those who are anaemic thanks to its folate and iron content. Beetroot juice treats hangovers. Add beetroots to a salad or grab a glass of beetroot juice without straining.
Onions are often misused and added unnecessarily. There are also a variety of onions that remain unexplored. Lack of awareness is the problem here. Raw onion should not be consumed by thyroid patients.
Spinach (palak) isn't the only leafy vegetable available and herein lies our folly. For example, fenugreek leaves (methi), besides being rich in iron, control diabetes and gastric problems.
Nico Goghavala Restaurateur
Swiss Chard has been sidelined since Kale became popular. It's flavourful and nutritious. Like beets, chard is a source of phytonutrients called betalains that protect against toxins.
Broccoli can be pureed, boiled, grilled and steamed and contains Vitamin A, K, B-complex, iron, zinc, phosphorus and phytonutrients. It protects you against heart disease and diabetes.
Kale, a green leafy cousin of cabbage, doesn't tickle taste buds when eaten raw and cooking it renders it tasteless.
Meanwhile, everyone's favourite iceberg lettuce is quick to wilt. Romaine and Arugula are better options.
Shilarna Vaze, Chef and television host
Yellow pumpkin fondly called kadu is used in curries and sabzi in Indian fare but can be a beautiful part of Italian cuisine. Try pumpkin pasta or pumpkin-stuffed ravioli that also enjoys a low calorie count (100 g equals to 26 Calories). The sweet taste and texture complements continental cuisine. It's also stacked with antioxidants such as leutin, xanthin, and carotenes.
Besides being a good salad vegetable, beetroots are easy to cook and great to look at thanks to their vibrant colour. Try beetroot risotto or beetroot served with goat cheese. It packs in soluble fibres, flavanoids and betacyanin that are good to fight bad cholesterol.
Artichokes are difficult to peel, get oxidised quickly and the effort is simply not worth the time.
Asparagus tends to be over priced.
Yellow pumpkin fondly called kadu is used in curries and sabzi in Indian fare but can be a beautiful part of Italian cuisine. Try pumpkin pasta or pumpkin-stuffed ravioli that also enjoys a low calorie count (100 g equals to 26 Calories). The sweet taste and texture complements continental cuisine. It's also stacked with antioxidants such as leutin, xanthin, and carotenes.
Besides being a good salad vegetable, beetroots are easy to cook and great to look at thanks to their vibrant colour. Try beetroot risotto or beetroot served with goat cheese. It packs in soluble fibres, flavanoids and betacyanin that are good to fight bad cholesterol.

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