आखिरी बार डॉ मित्तल (हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ ,एस्कॉर्ट्स नै दिल्ली ,एवं गुरुतेगबहादुर अस्पताल नै दिल्ली )से इस विषय पर बात हुई थी। आप का कहना था एक बुनियादी रूल है एनीमल ओरिजिन की फैट्स आपके खून में चर्बी बढ़ाएंगी। फिर चाहे वह तेल हो या घी हो दूध हो या दूध से बने उत्पाद (डेरी प्रोडक्ट्स ),मांस ,रेड या लीन मीट हो ।
अलबत्ता वजन कम करने का एक नायाब नुस्खा तब हाथ लगा था -डॉ मित्तल ने बतलाया - ज्यादा से ज्यादा उबली हुई सब्ज़ियाँ खाएं। बस ऊपर से चाट मसाला छिड़कें। कोई घी वी नहीं।
एक अन्य हृदय रोग माहिर ने इस बात की खिलाफत की थी मैं ने उन्हें इतना ही बतलाया था सर! मेरे ऑर्थोपीडिशियन ने र्यूमेटिक आर्थ्रराइटिस के प्रबंधन के तहत मुझे सभी प्रोटीन (दालें ,पनीर के अलावा ,टमाटर ,पालक ,छाछ आदि न लेने की सलाह दी थी ,दूध भी लाइट मिल्क बोले तो ०. ५ फीसद फ़ैट मिल्क लेने की सलाह दी थी ),आपने फट कहा नहीं नहीं आप मज़े से टोंड (सिंगिल टोंड मिल्क लें ,फ़ैट एक दम से बंद न करें )और अब यह दीर्घावधि अध्ययन आया है जिसके तहत घी ,तेल ,मख्खन चीज़ आदि का रिश्ता दिल के रोगों खासकर मुख्य रोग परिहृदय धमनी रोगों से देखने को नहीं मिला है। तकरीबन ७० अध्ययनों का यह सांझा विश्लेषण रहा है जिसमें ६ लाख प्रतिभागी शामिल रहें हैं सहयोगी अन्य अध्ययन भी रहे हैं जिनके तहत न तो संतृप्त वसाओं देसी घी ,चीज़ मख्खन आदि का विपरीत नकारात्मक संबंध हृदय रोगों से जुड़ता दिखा है और न ही बहु -प्रचारित एकल तथा बहु -असंतृप्त वसाओं के इस्तेमाल से इनका जोखिम कम होते दिखा है।
मीडिया हाइप एकल असंतृप्त वसीय अम्लों ,लांग -चैन मोनोअनसैचुरेटिड ओमेगा -३ तथा ओमेगा -६ बहु -अतृप्त वसीय अम्लों (म्युफा और प्युफा बोले तो मोनो -अन -सैचुरेटिड और पोली -अन -सैचुरेटिड फैटी एसिड्स को लेकर जो भी रहा हो भले सफोला ,सन -फलावर,आलिव आइल खाने की लाख सलाह दी गई हो।
Ghee, butter and cheese not tied to heart disease? Experts: No Proof That Saturated Fat Is Unhealthy
A dollop of ghee or butter in your diet does not cause as much harm to your heart as it was believed till now. Researchers from the University of Cambridge and the British Heart Foundation have found there is actually no evidence that confirms changing the type of fat you eat from “bad” saturated to “healthier” polyunsaturated cuts heart risk.
The researchers analysed data from 72 unique studies with over 600,000 participants from 18 nations and found total saturated fatty acid, whether measured in the diet or in the bloodstream as a biomarker, was not associated with coronary disease risk in the observational studies. Similarly, when analysing the studies that involved assessments of the consumption of total monounsaturated fatty acids, long-chain omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, there were no significant associations between consumption and cardiovascular risk.
Saturated fat is the kind of fat found in butter, biscuits, red meat, sausages and bacon and cheese and cream. There has been a big drive to get more people eating unsaturated fats, such as olive and sunflower oils, and other non-animal fats instead. But the latest study raises questions about the current guidelines that generally restrict the consumption of saturated fats and encourage consumption of polyunsaturated fats to prevent heart disease.
“These are interesting results that potentially stimulate new lines of scientific inquiry and encourage careful reappraisal of our current nutritional guidelines,” said Dr Rajiv Chowdhury, lead author of the research at the University of Cambridge. “Cardiovascular disease, in which the principal manifestation is coronary heart disease, remains the single leading cause of death and disability worldwide. In 2008, more than 17 million people died from a cardiovascular cause globally. With so many affected by this illness, it is critical to have appropriate prevention guidelines which are informed by the best available scientific evidence.”
The research collaboration led by the University of Cambridge analysed existing cohort studies and randomised trials on coronary risk and fatty acid intake. They showed that current evidence does not support guidelines which restrict the consumption of saturated fats in order to prevent heart disease. The researchers also found insufficient support for guidelines which advocate the high consumption of polyunsaturated fats (such as omega 3 and omega 6) to reduce the risk of coronary disease.
“These are interesting results that potentially stimulate new lines of scientific inquiry and encourage careful reappraisal of our current nutritional guidelines,” said Dr Rajiv Chowdhury, lead author of the research at the University of Cambridge. “Cardiovascular disease, in which the principal manifestation is coronary heart disease, remains the single leading cause of death and disability worldwide. In 2008, more than 17 million people died from a cardiovascular cause globally. With so many affected by this illness, it is critical to have appropriate prevention guidelines which are informed by the best available scientific evidence.”
The research collaboration led by the University of Cambridge analysed existing cohort studies and randomised trials on coronary risk and fatty acid intake. They showed that current evidence does not support guidelines which restrict the consumption of saturated fats in order to prevent heart disease. The researchers also found insufficient support for guidelines which advocate the high consumption of polyunsaturated fats (such as omega 3 and omega 6) to reduce the risk of coronary disease.

HEART OF THE MATTER: The latest study raises questions about the current guidelines that restrict the consumption of saturated fats and encourage consumption of polyunsaturated fats to prevent heart disease
आपकी इस प्रस्तुति का लिंक 20-03-2014 को चर्चा मंच पर दिया गया है
जवाब देंहटाएंआभार
वाह :) अब शुरु करेंगे खाना मक्खन भी ही ही :)
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