तंदरुस्ती और दीर्घायु प्रदान करतीं हैं तरकारियाँ और फल :
लाइफ चोइसिज आपके हाथ में हैं। आप क्या खाते हैं ?कैसी
जीवन शैली अपनाते हैं ?चयन आपका और सिर्फ आपका
रहता है। शाकाहारी हैं आप मांसाहारी ?
बारहा दोहराया गया है जितनी भी बार आप खाते हैं फल या
तरकारियाँ अल्पाहार में भी शामिल करना न भूलें। आप
जाइये देखियेगा कि चाय के साथ में आपको लाल शिमला
मिर्च (Bell pepper )परोसी जायेगी .जीवन शैली रोगों से
बचाव करतीं हैं तरकारियाँ , सलाद और विविधरूपा फल।
परिहृदय धमनी रोग हो दिल या दिमाग का दौरा हो या फिर
कैंसर रोग समूह फल तरकारियाँ मेवे आपको बचाये रहेंगे
पढ़िए इसी आशय की यह विस्तृत रिपोर्ट :

Want a long life? Eat fruits and vegetables
Eating at least seven daily portions of fruit and vegetables lowers risk of death by 42%. It also lowers risk of death from cancer and heart disease/stroke by 25% and 31%, scientists will announce on Monday.
Scientists analysed lifestyle data of more than 65,000 randomly selected adults aged at least 35. They also tracked recorded deaths from among the sample for an average of 7.5 years.
लाइफ चोइसिज आपके हाथ में हैं। आप क्या खाते हैं ?कैसी
जीवन शैली अपनाते हैं ?चयन आपका और सिर्फ आपका
रहता है। शाकाहारी हैं आप मांसाहारी ?
बारहा दोहराया गया है जितनी भी बार आप खाते हैं फल या
तरकारियाँ अल्पाहार में भी शामिल करना न भूलें। आप
जाइये देखियेगा कि चाय के साथ में आपको लाल शिमला
मिर्च (Bell pepper )परोसी जायेगी .जीवन शैली रोगों से
बचाव करतीं हैं तरकारियाँ , सलाद और विविधरूपा फल।
परिहृदय धमनी रोग हो दिल या दिमाग का दौरा हो या फिर
कैंसर रोग समूह फल तरकारियाँ मेवे आपको बचाये रहेंगे
पढ़िए इसी आशय की यह विस्तृत रिपोर्ट :

Want a long life? Eat fruits and vegetables
Eating at least seven daily portions of fruit and vegetables lowers risk of death by 42%. It also lowers risk of death from cancer and heart disease/stroke by 25% and 31%, scientists will announce on Monday.
Scientists analysed lifestyle data of more than 65,000 randomly selected adults aged at least 35. They also tracked recorded deaths from among the sample for an average of 7.5 years.
On average, the survey respondents said they had eaten just under four portions of fruit and vegetables the previous day. During the monitoring period 4399 people died.
The analysis revealed that eating fruit and vegetables was associated with a lower risk of death overall and deaths from heart disease/stroke and cancer.
The higher the intake of fruit and vegetables, the greater the protective effects seemed to be.
Scientists also found that vegetables pack more of a protective punch than fruit. Around 2-3 daily portions of vegetables were linked to a 19% lower risk of death compared with a 10% lower risk for the equivalent amount of fruit. And each portion of salad or vegetables seemed to confer a 12-15% lower risk of death.
But while fresh and dried fruit seemed to strongly curb the risk of death, a portion of frozen/tinned fruit seemed to increase it by 17%, which public health doctors from the University of Liverpool describe in an accompanying editorial as "intriguing."
The UK government currently recommends eating five daily portions of fruit and vegetables, prompting the suggestion in an accompanying editorial that it may be time to review national dietary recommendations.
A diet rich in fruit and vegetables has been linked to good health but many of the studies on which this association is based have largely been carried out on people who are already likely to be health conscious.
And while plenty of fruit and vegetables in the diet are recommended to boost cardiovascular health, the evidence for its impact on warding off cancer has been less clear-cut. Scientists say added sugars in 'processed' fruit could explain this finding why eating canned fruits increases mortality risk.
They concluded that current dietary guidance which includes consumption of dried or tinned fruit, smoothies and fruit juice as legitimate ways of reaching the '5-a-day' goal, might need to be revised.
The analysis revealed that eating fruit and vegetables was associated with a lower risk of death overall and deaths from heart disease/stroke and cancer.
The higher the intake of fruit and vegetables, the greater the protective effects seemed to be.
Scientists also found that vegetables pack more of a protective punch than fruit. Around 2-3 daily portions of vegetables were linked to a 19% lower risk of death compared with a 10% lower risk for the equivalent amount of fruit. And each portion of salad or vegetables seemed to confer a 12-15% lower risk of death.
But while fresh and dried fruit seemed to strongly curb the risk of death, a portion of frozen/tinned fruit seemed to increase it by 17%, which public health doctors from the University of Liverpool describe in an accompanying editorial as "intriguing."
The UK government currently recommends eating five daily portions of fruit and vegetables, prompting the suggestion in an accompanying editorial that it may be time to review national dietary recommendations.
A diet rich in fruit and vegetables has been linked to good health but many of the studies on which this association is based have largely been carried out on people who are already likely to be health conscious.
And while plenty of fruit and vegetables in the diet are recommended to boost cardiovascular health, the evidence for its impact on warding off cancer has been less clear-cut. Scientists say added sugars in 'processed' fruit could explain this finding why eating canned fruits increases mortality risk.
They concluded that current dietary guidance which includes consumption of dried or tinned fruit, smoothies and fruit juice as legitimate ways of reaching the '5-a-day' goal, might need to be revised.
- Times of India - by Kounteya Sinha - 9 hours agoEating at least seven daily portions of fruit and vegetables lowers risk of death by 42%. It also lowers risk of death from cancer and heart ...
वाकई खान पान से बड़ी और कौन सी दवा हो सकती है :)
जवाब देंहटाएंबहुत सुन्दर प्रस्तुति।
जवाब देंहटाएं--
आपकी इस प्रविष्टि् की चर्चा कल मंगलवार (01-04-2014) को "स्वप्न का संसार बन कर क्या करूँ" (चर्चा मंच-1562)"बुरा लगता हो तो चर्चा मंच पर आपकी पोस्ट का लिंक नहीं देंगे" (चर्चा मंच-1569) पर भी होगी!
सूचना देने का उद्देश्य है कि यदि किसी रचनाकार की प्रविष्टि का लिंक किसी स्थान पर लगाया जाये तो उसकी सूचना देना व्यवस्थापक का नैतिक कर्तव्य होता है।
नवसम्वत्सर और चैत्र नवरात्रों की हार्दिक शुभकामनाओं के साथ
कामना करता हूँ कि हमेशा हमारे देश में
परस्पर प्रेम और सौहार्द्र बना रहे।
डॉ.रूपचन्द्र शास्त्री 'मयंक'