सेहतनामा और विज्ञान समाचार
(१) यदि आपकी थायरॉइडग्रंथि ज़रुरत से कम सक्रीय
है आप खाते कम हैं मुटियाते ज्यादा हैं आपकी मेटाबोलिक रेट्स (भोजन
को केलोरी में बदलने की दर )
कम है यानी आप हाइपोथायरोइड के शिकार हैं तब आप ब्रोकली का सेवन
न करें क्योंकि ब्रोकली में एक ऐसा यौगिक मौजूद रहता है जो शरीर द्वारा
आयोडीन की ज़ज़्बी (absorption )में व्यवधान पैदा करता है।
(२)सफ़ेद और कालीमिर्च (peppers )में फलों और तरकारियों से मिलने वाले कुछ ऐसे रसायन मौजूद रहते हैं जिन्हें phytochemicals कहा जाता है। इनमें प्रतिआक्सीकारक गुण (antioxident abilities )रहते हैं जो एक ख़ास प्रकार के अणुओं को उदासीन बना देते हैं जो फ्रीरैडिकल्स कहलाते हैं तथा हमारी कोशिकाओं में तोड़ फोड़ करते हैं हमें बुढ़ाने की और धकेलते हैं। एजिंग को हवा देते हैं।

(३) World's Oldest Sperm Discovered In Australia
Scientists have discovered the world's oldest sperm from tiny shrimps ,measuring a massive 1.3 millimeters and dating back to 17 million years in Australia .Preserved giant sperm from shrimps were found at the Riversleigh World Heritage Fossil Site in Queensland and are the oldest sperm ever found .

More images for tiny shrimps images only

More images for tiny shrimps sperms pictures only
(१) यदि आपकी थायरॉइडग्रंथि ज़रुरत से कम सक्रीय
है आप खाते कम हैं मुटियाते ज्यादा हैं आपकी मेटाबोलिक रेट्स (भोजन
को केलोरी में बदलने की दर )
कम है यानी आप हाइपोथायरोइड के शिकार हैं तब आप ब्रोकली का सेवन
न करें क्योंकि ब्रोकली में एक ऐसा यौगिक मौजूद रहता है जो शरीर द्वारा
आयोडीन की ज़ज़्बी (absorption )में व्यवधान पैदा करता है।
(२)सफ़ेद और कालीमिर्च (peppers )में फलों और तरकारियों से मिलने वाले कुछ ऐसे रसायन मौजूद रहते हैं जिन्हें phytochemicals कहा जाता है। इनमें प्रतिआक्सीकारक गुण (antioxident abilities )रहते हैं जो एक ख़ास प्रकार के अणुओं को उदासीन बना देते हैं जो फ्रीरैडिकल्स कहलाते हैं तथा हमारी कोशिकाओं में तोड़ फोड़ करते हैं हमें बुढ़ाने की और धकेलते हैं। एजिंग को हवा देते हैं।
(३) World's Oldest Sperm Discovered In Australia
Scientists have discovered the world's oldest sperm from tiny shrimps ,measuring a massive 1.3 millimeters and dating back to 17 million years in Australia .Preserved giant sperm from shrimps were found at the Riversleigh World Heritage Fossil Site in Queensland and are the oldest sperm ever found .
Scientists have identified a genetic mutation in Doberman pinschers that causes albinism in the breed .Michigan University researchers Paige Winkler and Joshua Bartoe discovered a mutated gene that that is associated with a form of albinism in humans .
Have a doberman at home? This news may interest you. Researchers have identified a genetic mutation in Doberman that causes albinism in the breed - a discovery that has eluded veterinarians until now.
"What we found was a gene mutation that results in a missing protein necessary for cells to be pigmented. Some defects in this same gene cause a condition called oculocutaneous albinism in humans," explained Paige Winkler, a doctoral student at University of Michigan's college of veterinary medicine.
This type of albinism has certain characteristics that are evident in both humans and dogs.
With an albino Doberman, you see a white or lighter-coloured coat, pink noses and lips, along with pale irises in the eyes.
"These traits are very similar to the characteristics humans display with this particular condition causing light-pigmented skin and hair, along with eye discolouration and vision disturbances," Winkler informed.
The canine breed and people also experience the same skin sensitivity to sunlight which results in an increased risk of skin tumours.
Winkler along with co-author Joshua Bartoe studied 20 dogs and discovered that more than half of the albino dogs had at least one tumour while only one of the regular-coloured dogs possessed a tumour.
"What we found was a gene mutation that results in a missing protein necessary for cells to be pigmented. Some defects in this same gene cause a condition called oculocutaneous albinism in humans," explained Paige Winkler, a doctoral student at University of Michigan's college of veterinary medicine.
This type of albinism has certain characteristics that are evident in both humans and dogs.
With an albino Doberman, you see a white or lighter-coloured coat, pink noses and lips, along with pale irises in the eyes.
"These traits are very similar to the characteristics humans display with this particular condition causing light-pigmented skin and hair, along with eye discolouration and vision disturbances," Winkler informed.
The canine breed and people also experience the same skin sensitivity to sunlight which results in an increased risk of skin tumours.
Winkler along with co-author Joshua Bartoe studied 20 dogs and discovered that more than half of the albino dogs had at least one tumour while only one of the regular-coloured dogs possessed a tumour.
"Because Dobermans can carry the defective gene, but show no signs of the disorder, this has posed serious problems among breeders," said Bartoe.
But now that we have identified the mutation, "we can look at the genetic makeup of these dogs and determine if they might be carriers", he noted in the study appeared in the journal PLOS ONE.
But now that we have identified the mutation, "we can look at the genetic makeup of these dogs and determine if they might be carriers", he noted in the study appeared in the journal PLOS ONE.

Dogs share 'albino' gene found in humans (Thinkstock Photos/Getty Images)
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