शोध की खिड़की :
(१ )परिहृदयधमनी रोग से निजात मिलने की संभावना पैदा हो गई है एक ऐसे टीके की ईज़ाद के साथ जिसके नैदानिक परीक्षण भारत में होने जा रहे हैं। परिहृदयधमनी रोग जिसके होने की संभावना भारत के लोगों में लगातार बनी रहती है एक ऐसी बीमारी है जिसमें धमनी की भीतरी दीवार प्लाक जमने से न सिर्फ कठोर हो जाती है बल्कि संकरी भी और इसी के साथ धमनी अवरोध के मौके पैदा हो जाते हैं फलत:हृदय को रक्तापूर्ति पूरी नहीं हो पाती है।जो कभी भी दिल और दिमाग के दौरों की वजह बन सकती है।
भारत में CAD (CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE ,परिहृदय धमनी रोग )के तकरीबन साढ़े चार करोड़ मामले अकेले २०१० में ही दर्ज़ हुए थे। साल दर साल ये मामले यूं ही बढ़ते रहे तब भारत में ऐसे मरीज़ों की संख्या २०१५ में ही छ :करोड़ के पार निकल जाएगी। पढ़िए इसी सिलसिले का खुलासा करती यह रिपोर्ट :
Swedish scientists want to test heart attack vaccine in India
STOCKHOLM: Swedish scientists who have developed a vaccine that has shown tremendous promise against coronary artery diseases and strokes are keen to test it in India.
Atherosclerosis is a serious condition where arteries become clogged up by fatty substances, such as cholesterol called plaque. They cause arteries to harden and narrow thereby blocking the blood supply to the heart - triggering a heart attack or a stroke in the brain.
The vaccine prevents accumulation of the plaques.
Carani B Sanjeevi from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm is now in final stage talks with Indian medical institutes to test the vaccine on Indians.
Sanjeevi from the Institute's department of medicine and advisor to its innovation office wants the vaccine to be specific to Indians who are known to be genetically prone to heart attack.
Speaking to TOI at the India Unlimited Festival organized by the Indian embassy in Sweden, Sanjeevi said "The trials of this highly promising vaccine may soon take place in India. We are in discussions with top medical institutes who will jointly develop the vaccine with Swedish researchers specifically for the Indian market. The vaccine stops plaque from building thereby cutting down on inflammation and ultimately preventing people from coronary artery disease."
As many as 45 million coronary artery disease cases were diagnosed in India in 2010 and the figure is expected to go up to 60 million by 2015.
Vaccination against the receptor that the T cells use to recognize bad LDL cholesterol can block the immune reaction and reduce the disease by 70%. The vaccine has been successfully tested on animals and the researchers are now hoping to see if it can be developed into a treatment for patients with a high risk of myocardial infarction and stroke.
A recent study by researchers at the Swedish medical university shows that the immune defence's T cells can attack the bad LDL cholesterol and thereby cause an inflammation that leads to atherosclerosis. By producing a vaccine against the T cell receptors, the researchers have managed to inhibit the development of atherosclerosis in animals.
Cholesterol is transported in the blood in LDL particles. LDL activates the immune defence and triggers an inflammation in the blood vessels that leads to atherosclerosis. When the atherosclerotic plaque finally ruptures, a blood clot is formed that in turn can cause a heart attack or stroke.
It was previously thought that the inflammation in the blood vessels arises when the T cells react to oxidized LDL particles located in the atherosclerotic plaque. The team at Karolinska Institute has found that the opposite is true, namely that the T cells react to components in the normal LDL particles and that they no longer recognize LDL once it has been oxidized.
"Since reactions to LDL can be dangerous, T cells are normally held in check by inhibitory signals," said Professor Goran K Hansson who led the study.
"The body's own control works well as long as the LDL keeps to the blood, liver and lymph glands. But when it accumulates in the artery wall, this inhibition is no longer enough, the T cells are activated and an inflammation arises," Hansson added.
According to the World Congress of Cardiology, it is estimated that by 2020 heart diseases will be the cause of over 40% in India as compared to 24% in 1990.
(२ )गर्भवती महिलाओं (pregnant women )के लिए चुकंदर (बीट्स )का सेवन बड़ा मुफीद (लाभदायक और अनुकूल )सिद्ध होता है क्योंकि इसमें भरपूर मात्रा में मौजूद रहता है लौहतत्व (Iron )और विटामिन -B.ये दोनों ही नवीन ग्रोथ सेल्स के पल्लवन में बड़े सहायक सिद्ध होते हैं।

(३ ) मानवीय चर्बी (HUMAN FAT)से कलम कोशाएं लेकर हमारे साइंसदान अक्सर आदमी को अपनी गिरिफ्त में लेने वाले आम ट्यूमर के जैविक इलाज़ में कामयाब हुए हैं। इस एक दम से हल्ला बोलने वाले एग्रेसिव कैंसर समूह से ग्रस्त चूहों को वसा से निकाली गई स्टेम सेल्स देने पर उनकी उम्र में अप्रत्याशित तौर पर वृद्धि देखी गई है।
(१ )परिहृदयधमनी रोग से निजात मिलने की संभावना पैदा हो गई है एक ऐसे टीके की ईज़ाद के साथ जिसके नैदानिक परीक्षण भारत में होने जा रहे हैं। परिहृदयधमनी रोग जिसके होने की संभावना भारत के लोगों में लगातार बनी रहती है एक ऐसी बीमारी है जिसमें धमनी की भीतरी दीवार प्लाक जमने से न सिर्फ कठोर हो जाती है बल्कि संकरी भी और इसी के साथ धमनी अवरोध के मौके पैदा हो जाते हैं फलत:हृदय को रक्तापूर्ति पूरी नहीं हो पाती है।जो कभी भी दिल और दिमाग के दौरों की वजह बन सकती है।
भारत में CAD (CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE ,परिहृदय धमनी रोग )के तकरीबन साढ़े चार करोड़ मामले अकेले २०१० में ही दर्ज़ हुए थे। साल दर साल ये मामले यूं ही बढ़ते रहे तब भारत में ऐसे मरीज़ों की संख्या २०१५ में ही छ :करोड़ के पार निकल जाएगी। पढ़िए इसी सिलसिले का खुलासा करती यह रिपोर्ट :
Swedish scientists want to test heart attack vaccine in India
STOCKHOLM: Swedish scientists who have developed a vaccine that has shown tremendous promise against coronary artery diseases and strokes are keen to test it in India.
Atherosclerosis is a serious condition where arteries become clogged up by fatty substances, such as cholesterol called plaque. They cause arteries to harden and narrow thereby blocking the blood supply to the heart - triggering a heart attack or a stroke in the brain.
The vaccine prevents accumulation of the plaques.
Carani B Sanjeevi from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm is now in final stage talks with Indian medical institutes to test the vaccine on Indians.
Sanjeevi from the Institute's department of medicine and advisor to its innovation office wants the vaccine to be specific to Indians who are known to be genetically prone to heart attack.
Speaking to TOI at the India Unlimited Festival organized by the Indian embassy in Sweden, Sanjeevi said "The trials of this highly promising vaccine may soon take place in India. We are in discussions with top medical institutes who will jointly develop the vaccine with Swedish researchers specifically for the Indian market. The vaccine stops plaque from building thereby cutting down on inflammation and ultimately preventing people from coronary artery disease."
As many as 45 million coronary artery disease cases were diagnosed in India in 2010 and the figure is expected to go up to 60 million by 2015.
Vaccination against the receptor that the T cells use to recognize bad LDL cholesterol can block the immune reaction and reduce the disease by 70%. The vaccine has been successfully tested on animals and the researchers are now hoping to see if it can be developed into a treatment for patients with a high risk of myocardial infarction and stroke.
A recent study by researchers at the Swedish medical university shows that the immune defence's T cells can attack the bad LDL cholesterol and thereby cause an inflammation that leads to atherosclerosis. By producing a vaccine against the T cell receptors, the researchers have managed to inhibit the development of atherosclerosis in animals.
Cholesterol is transported in the blood in LDL particles. LDL activates the immune defence and triggers an inflammation in the blood vessels that leads to atherosclerosis. When the atherosclerotic plaque finally ruptures, a blood clot is formed that in turn can cause a heart attack or stroke.
It was previously thought that the inflammation in the blood vessels arises when the T cells react to oxidized LDL particles located in the atherosclerotic plaque. The team at Karolinska Institute has found that the opposite is true, namely that the T cells react to components in the normal LDL particles and that they no longer recognize LDL once it has been oxidized.
"Since reactions to LDL can be dangerous, T cells are normally held in check by inhibitory signals," said Professor Goran K Hansson who led the study.
"The body's own control works well as long as the LDL keeps to the blood, liver and lymph glands. But when it accumulates in the artery wall, this inhibition is no longer enough, the T cells are activated and an inflammation arises," Hansson added.
According to the World Congress of Cardiology, it is estimated that by 2020 heart diseases will be the cause of over 40% in India as compared to 24% in 1990.
- Times of India - by Kounteya Sinha - 19 hours agoSwedish scientists who have developed a vaccine that has shown tremendous promise against coronary artery diseases and strokesare keen ...
(२ )गर्भवती महिलाओं (pregnant women )के लिए चुकंदर (बीट्स )का सेवन बड़ा मुफीद (लाभदायक और अनुकूल )सिद्ध होता है क्योंकि इसमें भरपूर मात्रा में मौजूद रहता है लौहतत्व (Iron )और विटामिन -B.ये दोनों ही नवीन ग्रोथ सेल्स के पल्लवन में बड़े सहायक सिद्ध होते हैं।
(३ ) मानवीय चर्बी (HUMAN FAT)से कलम कोशाएं लेकर हमारे साइंसदान अक्सर आदमी को अपनी गिरिफ्त में लेने वाले आम ट्यूमर के जैविक इलाज़ में कामयाब हुए हैं। इस एक दम से हल्ला बोलने वाले एग्रेसिव कैंसर समूह से ग्रस्त चूहों को वसा से निकाली गई स्टेम सेल्स देने पर उनकी उम्र में अप्रत्याशित तौर पर वृद्धि देखी गई है।
अच्छी जानकारी ही भाई जी ...
जवाब देंहटाएंएक और बात आपका दूसरा ब्लॉग किसी द्प्प्सरी साईट पे ले जाता है .... उसक पास्वोर्ड बदलें या कुछ करें ...
राम राम जी ...
आपका लेखन हमेशा जीवनोपयोगी रहता है.चुकंदर में वास्तव में अनेक्स्वास्ति वर्धक तत्व होते है. आपका लेखन सतत बना रहे, लोगो को अच्छी जानकारी देता रहे. शुभकामनाओं सहित.
जवाब देंहटाएंक्या यह वेक्सीन स्वित्ज़र्लेंद में या अन्य योरोपीय देश में मनुष्यों पर टेस्ट हो चुकी है ...इसका कोइ स्पष्ट वर्णन नहीं है ....क्या सिर्फ भारत के मनुष्यों पर ही टेस्ट किया जा रहा है ...यदि हाँ तो क्यों...यदि कहीं और मानवों पर टेस्ट होचुका है तो उसका वर्णन दें ...
जवाब देंहटाएं---- अन्यथा सरकार को भारतीय रोगियों को गिनी-पिग बनाने से रोकना चाहिए ....भारतीय धन की बर्बादी से भी ..
उपयोगी जानकारी के साथ सुन्दर प्रस्तुति आज भारत में ह्रदय रोगियों की दिन ब दिन संख्या बढती जा रही है इस परिप्रेक्ष्य में और भी जरुरी
जवाब देंहटाएं