सेहतनामा /पर्यावरण
(१) रोज़मरि चाय (Rosemary tea )हमारी पेशियों की थकान दूर करती है अलावा इसके यह पाचन सहाय है।
(२) छुट्टी भुगताने के बाद ४८ % लोग अपने कार्यस्थल के पर ज्यादा सकारात्मक और समर्पित रहते हैं खुश रहते हैं और मन लगाकर काम पूरे जोशो खरोश से काम करते हैं। एक अध्ययन के यही संकेत हैं। कार्यस्थलों को सुदक्ष बनाये रखने के लिए अपने मुलाज़िमों को वक्त ज़रुरत पर छुट्टी ज़रूर दीजिये।
(३) तेलीय मच्छी नौनिहालों को अच्छी नींद मुहैया करवाती है इसका
सेवन भरपूर नींद के लिए अच्छा है।
A study has found that higher blood levels of the long -chain omega -
-3DHA found in fish and the main omega -3fatty acid found in the
brain are significantly associated with better sleep ,including less
bedtime resistance ,parasomnias and total sleep disturbance .
(4) Malaria Risk to Threaten People Living in Hilly Areas; Global Warming to be Blamed
भूमंडलीय तापन में एक सेल्सियस की वृद्धि दुनिया भर के पहाड़ियों के लिए मलेरिया का प्रकोप ला सकती है वजह इसकी यह है इन ऊंचाई पर बसे
लोगों के पास कुदरती रोग प्रति रोधी कवच मलेरिया के मुकाबले के लिए मौज़ूद नहीं रहता है। मात्र भूमन्डलीय तापमानों में एक सेल्सियस की वृद्धि
३० लाख पन्दरह साल से कम उम्र के पहाड़ियों को मलेरिया की गिरफ्त में ले सकती है साल दर साल। फिल वक्त दुनिया भर में सालाना तौर पर
३० करोड़ लोग इस वेक्टर बोर्न डिज़ीज़ की चपेट में आ जाते हैं। एक मादा मच्छर है इसका वेकटर(रोग वाहक ) .
A new study has revealed that global warming will lead malaria virus to creep into hilly areas. As a result,
A Study found that higher blood levels of the long -chain omega
(१) रोज़मरि चाय (Rosemary tea )हमारी पेशियों की थकान दूर करती है अलावा इसके यह पाचन सहाय है।
(२) छुट्टी भुगताने के बाद ४८ % लोग अपने कार्यस्थल के पर ज्यादा सकारात्मक और समर्पित रहते हैं खुश रहते हैं और मन लगाकर काम पूरे जोशो खरोश से काम करते हैं। एक अध्ययन के यही संकेत हैं। कार्यस्थलों को सुदक्ष बनाये रखने के लिए अपने मुलाज़िमों को वक्त ज़रुरत पर छुट्टी ज़रूर दीजिये।
(३) तेलीय मच्छी नौनिहालों को अच्छी नींद मुहैया करवाती है इसका
सेवन भरपूर नींद के लिए अच्छा है।
A study has found that higher blood levels of the long -chain omega -
-3DHA found in fish and the main omega -3fatty acid found in the
brain are significantly associated with better sleep ,including less
bedtime resistance ,parasomnias and total sleep disturbance .
(4) Malaria Risk to Threaten People Living in Hilly Areas; Global Warming to be Blamed
भूमंडलीय तापन में एक सेल्सियस की वृद्धि दुनिया भर के पहाड़ियों के लिए मलेरिया का प्रकोप ला सकती है वजह इसकी यह है इन ऊंचाई पर बसे
लोगों के पास कुदरती रोग प्रति रोधी कवच मलेरिया के मुकाबले के लिए मौज़ूद नहीं रहता है। मात्र भूमन्डलीय तापमानों में एक सेल्सियस की वृद्धि
३० लाख पन्दरह साल से कम उम्र के पहाड़ियों को मलेरिया की गिरफ्त में ले सकती है साल दर साल। फिल वक्त दुनिया भर में सालाना तौर पर
३० करोड़ लोग इस वेक्टर बोर्न डिज़ीज़ की चपेट में आ जाते हैं। एक मादा मच्छर है इसका वेकटर(रोग वाहक ) .
A new study has revealed that global warming will lead malaria virus to creep into hilly areas. As a result,
people living in mountains would significantly become victims of the world's deadliest vector-borne disease. Lack
of protective immunity among the population in the mountains to resist the disease will worsen their plight to a
much bigger extent.
Read more: http://newstonight.co.za/content/malaria-risk-threaten-people-living-hilly-areas-global-warming-be-blamed#ixzz2vOLj3SmC
As per estimates of researchers, even a rise of one degree Celsius could increase the overall annual cases of
malaria in under-15-year population by an additional three million sufferers.
More than 300 million people are affected by malaria every year. It has been more than two decades for
researchers raising concerns over impacts of global warming on malaria virus to travel to higher elevations and
come down to lower altitudes when the temperature is cool.
This time, however, researchers have found the first hard evidence to vindicate their theory on relationship
between global warming and the worldwide incidence of malaria.
After analyzing records from highland regions of Ethiopia and Colombia, the researchers found malaria cases
will be significantly increased in densely-populated regions of Africa and South America because of future
climate warming. But it does not mean that the situation can't be controlled, said the researchers.
Encouragement to disease-monitoring and control efforts can be highly effective to battle malaria infections and
save people facing malaria threat at higher elevations.
"Our latest research suggests that with progressive global warming, malaria will creep up the mountains and
spread to nsew high-altitude areas. And because these populations lack protective immunity, they will be
particularly vulnerable to severe morbidity and mortality", said scientists from the University of Michigan.
They said their research clearly showed expansion of malaria cases to higher altitudes in warmer years. The
findings of the study have been published in the journal Science.
Malaria Risk to Threaten People Living in Hilly Areas; Global Warming to be Blamed
- Times of India - 14 hours ago"Our latest research suggests that with progressive global warming,malaria will creep up the mountains and spread to new high-altitudeareas.

Read more: http://newstonight.co.za/content/malaria-risk-threaten-people-living-hilly-areas-global-warming-be-blamed#ixzz2vOLj3SmC
WHO-proposed sugar recommendation comes to less than a soda per day
The World Health Organization wants you to stop eating so much sugar. Seriously.
In draft guidelines proposed this week, WHO is encouraging people to consume less than 5% of their total daily calories from sugars. The organization's current guidelines, published in 2002, recommend eating less than 10% of your total daily calories from sugars.
Most Americans still consume much more.
"There is increasing concern that consumption of free sugars, particularly in the form of sugar-sweetened beverages, may result in ... an increase in total caloric intake, leading to an unhealthy diet, weight gain and increased risk of noncommunicable diseases," WHO said in a statement.
of particular concern, WHO said, is the role sugar plays in causing dental diseases worldwide.
For an adult at a normal body mass index, or BMI, eating 5% would be around 25 grams of sugar -- or six teaspoons. That's less than is typically found in a single can of regular soda, which contains about 40 grams of sugar.
To find the amount of calories from sugar in a product, multiply the grams by 4. For example, a product containing 15 grams of sugar has 60 calories from sugar per serving, according to the American Heart Association. If you eat 2,000 calories a day, that's 3%.
WHO's proposed guidelines apply to sugars added to foods by manufacturers, as well as those found naturally in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit concentrates. They do not apply to those found in fresh produce.
"Much of the sugars consumed today are 'hidden' in processed foods that are not usually seen as sweets," the WHO website states.
Did you know sugar is often added to your frozen pizza? How about your bread, soup, yogurt and mayonnaise? As consumers became more concerned about the amount of fat in their food, manufacturers went out of their way to make low-fat items -- often substituting sugar to preserve the taste.
Choosing foods with fewer added sugars at the grocery story may soon get a little easier. The Food and Drug Administration has proposed several changes to the nutrition labels you see on packaged foods and beverages.
The proposed labels would also note how much added sugar is in a product. Right now, it's hard to know what is naturally occurring sugar and what has been added by the manufacturer.
The WHO guidelines will be open for public comment until March 31. Then WHO will finalize and publish its recommendations.
बहुत सुंदर ।
जवाब देंहटाएंमित्रों।
जवाब देंहटाएंतीन दिनों तक देहरादून प्रवास पर रहा। आज फिर से अपने काम पर लौट आया हूँ।
आपकी इस सुन्दर प्रविष्टि् की चर्चा आज रविवार (09-03-2014) को आप रहे नित छेड़, छोड़ता भाई मोटा ; चर्चा मंच 1546 पर भी है!
सूचना देने का उद्देश्य है कि यदि किसी रचनाकार की प्रविष्टि का लिंक किसी स्थान पर लगाया जाये तो उसकी सूचना देना व्यवस्थापक का नैतिक कर्तव्य होता है।
हार्दिक शुभकामनाओं के साथ।
डॉ.रूपचन्द्र शास्त्री 'मयंक'