आपका तो हमें नहीं पता बतला दें :नहाने से पहले
हम पेशाब ज़रूर करते हैं।घर से बाहर निकलने से
और लौटने के फ़ौरन बाद भी। बाद उसके एक ग्लास
पानी पीते हैं ,फिर कोई चिंता नहीं रहती की पसीने
पानी पी रहे हैं। पेशाब करने के बाद बल्ड प्रेशर
सामान्य हो जाता है शरीर का तापमान भी कम
होता है।
जल से मनुष्य का स्वाभाविक लगाव है। शरीर का ७५ फीसद भाग जल ही है.जल को जीवन कहा गया है फिर
भी हम जल के कुदरती और मानव निर्मित स्रोतों का गंधाने से बाज़ नहीं आते हैं। यहाँ तक की हम स्वीमिंग
पूल तक में में पेशाब कर देते हैं।( पूरे भारत को हमने एक बड़े पेशाब घर में तबदील कर रखा है इसका
आप आये दिन देख सकते हैं। )
बिना सोचे गछे ,कि भाई इसका खामियाज़ा भी उठाना पड़ सकता है। भले तरन - ताल के जल में भारी मात्रा
में क्लोरीन गैस मिलाई जाती है ताकि जल जीवाणुओं को ठिकाने लगाता रहे लेकिन उन रसायनों
यौगिकों का क्या करें जो ताल के जल में मिश्रित मानवीय मूत्र और पसीने के परस्पर रासायनिक क्रिया करने
से बन जाते हैं।
इनमें से कई सेहत को चौपट कर सकते हैं फेफड़ा और हमारे दिल को बीमार बना सकते हैं ऐसे ही दो रसायन
हैं :
(१) ट्राईक्लोरामीन (NCl 3)
(२ ) सायनोजन क्लोराइड (CNCl)
इन रसायनों का ९० फीसद अंश पेशाब के एक घटक यूरिक एसिड और क्लोरीन की / प्रतिक्रिया से ही पैदा
होता है।
कोई दो दशक पहले रोहतक के एक तरनताल में उस मेरी जाटनी बहन ने कहा था :मैं तो भाई साहब को न
न्हाऊँ इसमें ,बालक
शु शु कर देमें हैं।
बालक तो बालक बड़े भी करते हैं दीदी साहिबा आप ने ठीक फरमाया था।
तमाम तरफ के संक्रमणों की जगह होती है स्वीमिंग पूल।
No, It Is Not Safe to Pee in the Pool
Just in time for Spring and Summer pool parties, we finally have an answer to the age-old debate: Is it safe to pee in the pool? Turns out, it’s not as safe as Olympic swimmers make it out to be. When urine mixes with chlorine, a substance can form that can cause health problems associated with the lungs, heart, and central nervous system. More from American Chemical Society:
Sanitary-minded pool-goers who preach “no peeing in the pool,” despite ordinary and Olympic swimmers admitting to the practice, now have scientific evidence to back up their concern. Researchers are reporting that when mixed, urine and chlorine can form substances that can cause potential health problems. Their study appears in ACS’ journal Environmental Science & Technology.
Jing Li, Ernest Blatchley, III, and colleagues note that adding chlorine to pool water is the most common way to kill disease-causing microbes and prevent swimmers from getting sick. But as people swim, splash, play — and pee — in the pool, chlorine mixes with sweat and urine and makes other substances. Two of these compounds, including trichloramine (NCl3) and cyanogen chloride (CNCl), are ubiquitous in swimming pools. The first one is associated with lung problems, and the second one can also affect the lungs, as well as the heart and central nervous system. But scientists have not yet identified all of the specific ingredients in sweat and urine that could cause these potentially harmful compounds to form. So Li’s team looked at how chlorine interacts with uric acid, a component of sweat and urine.
They mixed uric acid and chlorine, and within an hour, both NCl3 and CNCl formed. Though some uric acid comes from sweat, the scientists calculated that more than 90 percent of the compound in pools comes from urine. They conclude that swimmers can improve pool conditions by simply urinating where they’re supposed to — in the bathrooms.

Just in time for Spring and Summer pool parties, we finally have an answer to the age-old debate: Is it safe to pee in the pool?
Weekend Science: Is It Safe To Pee In The Pool?
Health officials say that holding in your urine when you really have to go can be harmful. But every public pool has signs that prohibit peeing in the pool.
Yet a lot of Olympic swimmers admit to doing it anyway and if you are visiting a public water park and it's not 20 percent urine, count yourself lucky.
George Costanza: It's not good to hold it in. I read that in a medical journal.
Jerry: Did the medical journal mention anything about standing in a pool of somebody else's urine?
According to a new report, Jerry's skepticism is warranted. Writing in Environmental Science&Technology, the authors say that, when mixed, urine and chlorine can form substances that can cause potential health problems beyond bathing in urine.
Adding chlorine to pool water is the most common way to kill disease-causing microbes and prevent swimmers from getting sick but they found that chlorine mixes with sweat and urine and makes other substances. Two of these compounds, including trichloramine (NCl3) and cyanogen chloride (CNCl), are ubiquitous in swimming pools. The first one is associated with lung problems, and the second one can also affect the lungs, as well as the heart and central nervous system.
Scientists have not yet identified all of the specific ingredients in sweat and urine that could cause these potentially harmful compounds to form. So Li's team looked at how chlorine interacts with uric acid, a component of sweat and urine.
They mixed uric acid and chlorine, and within an hour, both NCl3 and CNCl formed. Though some uric acid comes from sweat, the scientists calculated that more than 90 percent of the compound in pools comes from urine.
They conclude that swimmers can improve pool conditions by simply urinating where they're supposed to — in the bathrooms.
They conclude that swimmers can improve pool conditions by simply urinating where they're supposed to — in the bathrooms.

Peeing in the pool. Yes, it's a bad idea. Credit:
DOI: 10.1021/es405402r
Citation: Lushi Lian, Yue E, Jing Li, and Ernest R. Blatchley, III , 'Volatile Disinfection Byproducts Resulting from Chlorination of Uric Acid: Implications for Swimming Pools', Environ. Sci. Technol., 2014, 48 (6), pp 3210–3217 February 25, 2014 DOI: 10.1021/es405402r
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