सेहतनामा और एक सरसरी नज़र में सम्मोहन चिकित्सा
(१) वाइन के एक मानक ग्लास(standard glass of wine ) में चॉकलेट के एक मानक टुकड़े के बराबर केलोरी मान रहता है केलोरियां मौजूद मिलती हैं। जबकि सुनहरे रंग की एक पिंट हलकी बीयर (lager )में एक पैकिट तले हुए आलू के कतले के तुल्य केलोरीज़ रहतीं हैं।
प्राय :डेढ़ पाव की माप गेलन का आठवां अंश पिंट कहलाता है। एक ब्रितानी पिंट (पाइंट )०. ५ ७ लीटर। एक गेलन =८ पाइंट
एक अमरीकी पाइंट (पिंट )0 .47 लिटर का होता है।
सम्मोहन चिकित्सा सरसरी निगाह से
सम्मोहन विद्या इलाज़ की एक स्वीकृत सर्वमान्य पद्धति है जिसके तहत दिलोदिमाग हमारे जेहन में बैठे नकारात्मक विचारों के जालों ,विचारों की धुंध को को झाड़ पौंछकर उनके स्थान पर सकारात्मक जीवन के उजले पक्ष से सम्बंधित विचारों को रोपा जाता है। यानी खरपतवार रुपी विचारों को उखाड़ फैंक कर निर्मूल करके दिमाग की नए सिरे से प्रोग्रॅमिंग की जाती है।
मसलन एक ऐसे व्यक्ति का मामला लेते हैं जिसने बतौर फैशन हमजोलियों की देखा देखी पहली सिगरेट सुलगाई थी। उस समय उसकी उम्र थी सोलह साल और चौबीस साला होते होते युवक को ठीक से सांस लेने के लाले पड़ गए सांस चलने लगी हारकर वह एक सम्मोहन चिकित्सा के एक माहिर के पास पहुंचा। युवक में अवचेतन में बैठा हुआ था :खाली समय को भरने के अलावा स्मोकिंग एक स्ट्रेस बस्टर है। हमजोलियों के साथ कनेक्टिविटी को बढ़ाता है। एक ऐसा फैशन फेड है जो सामाजिक रूप से स्वीकृत रहा आया है।
युवक को लगभग निर्जीव अवस्था में लाकर समझाया गया उसके अवचेतन की पर्तों में बिठलाया गया ,व्यायाम करना यार दोस्तों से फोन पर गपियाना बेहतर ज़रिया है उनसे कनेक्ट होने का। इसी विषय पर विस्तार से पढ़िए ये रिपोर्ट :
Healing under spell
The broken-hearted and hardcore smokers on trying hypnosis to overcome addiction.
Dr Reema Shah doesn't exactly arrive at her Khar and Dadar clinics spinning a pocket watch, ready to nudge patients into a zombie state. She busts quite a few myths surrounding hypnotherapy, even while helping Mumbaikars wrangle out of the grip of addictions that range from smoking to drug abuse.
"Hypnotherapy is essentially a therapeutic tool," she explains. "It works on the principle of reprogramming the mind to accept healthy, positive suggestions and weed out negative messages."
The practice that dates back to ancient Greece and Egypt, and gets its name from the Greek term (hypnos) for 'sleep' is said to alter a person's mental state, heightening his level of focus and awareness. Through it, we are able to access deeper layers of our memory bank or what we call the subconscious. "Every action is impacted by stored subconscious experiences, and conscious perceptions. At most times, we aren't aware of subconscious associations," explains consultant hypnotherapist at Masina Hospital, Kirti Bakshi. "For instance, smoking is associated with pleasure or stress-relief. Through hypnotherapy, we help smokers figure the root cause of stress."
Unlearn the negatives
To access the sub-conscious mind, the hypnotherapist helps your conscious mind relax. In this deeply relaxed state, a communication channel is opened with the subconscious mind. It's here that positive messages are programmed into the patient's mind using verbal affirmations and suggestions. "These new messages form the foundation of new behavioural patterns," explains Shah. Fresh neural pathways are created in the brain, and these are then strengthened by post-hypnotherapy structures (eg. posthypnotic recordings which the patient can hear during leisure). "To put it simply, hypnotherapy helps in unlearning addictive patterns and re-learn healthy alternative behaviours."
An addiction is born out of dependency. By examining the genesis of this dependency and helping the patient understand it, the therapist works at restructuring aspects of his life that revolve around the addiction, offering healthy, sustainable alternatives.
3-pronged approach
A few years ago, Shah worked with a 24-year-old smoker who held a high-pressure job. He had smoked his first cigarette at 16 on a whim. "At 24, when he came to me, he had experienced his first health scare. He was finding it tough to breathe. So, his motivation to quit was quite high. The motivation always has to come from within, otherwise hypnotherapy doesn't work," shares Shah, who opted for a three-pronged approach.
The first, involved hypnotherapy to unlearn the smoking behaviour. The second was based on cognitive behaviour therapy to identify, address and change peripheral behaviours that were encouraging the addiction. The third step involved sticking to post-hypnosis structures to support himself after therapy concluded.
"Therapy analysis," says Shah, "made him realise he used smoking as a time-filler and a way of bonding with peers and friends. In therapy, we worked on his social skills and motivated him to take up exercising connecting with friends over the phone to fill out empty hours."
Bakshi, who has handled several cases of drug addiction, says, smoking is usually the first link, and could easily lead to drug abuse. "When compared to alcohol addiction, smoking is slightly easier to give up. But because of its social acceptability, motivation levels to stay off need to be high. Alcohol and drugs, on the other hand, are seen as potentially damaging, so the addiction is taken more seriously," she says.
First person: I didn't have energy to bring up my kids
A smoker for 10 years, 43-year-old homemaker Preeti Khanna on how she kicked the butt under hypnosis
It was back in the early '90s. I can recall the scene vividly. I was 21, and chatting with some friends at the gas station in Central London. We were excited since it was the last day of college, and a few of them lit up. I remember taking a drag and the next thing I knew, I bought myself a cigarette. I had never smoked before.
It was peer pressure. It just seemed like a fun thing to do. At that age, you don't think of what it might do to your health, although the packet explains it graphically.
Within six months, I was smoking 10 cigarettes a day, and always had a packet in my bag. From London, I took off to New York to pursue a career in banking. This was 2000. Unlike most of England, NYC isn't smoker-friendly. I had to walk two miles from my office to take a couple of 'legal' drags. Likewise, if I was at a restaurant and craved a cigarette, I had to step out and smoke. The craving for nicotine doesn't seem like a big deal.
People think cold weather ups the craving, or helps keep you warm. It is a myth. I moved around two very cold countries before I settled in Mumbai after I got married, and my daily quota never changed.
Of course, it didn't help that I married a smoker (laughs), and that most of our friends were addicted. In fact, it's only after I married that I let my 'vegetarian, non-drinking, anti-smoking' parents know of my habit. They were livid, and asked me to quit. But it had been five years since my first drag and I was addicted. So, whenever my husband and I visited them, we'd hide and smoke like teenagers.
Success & relapse
In mid-2002, I discovered I was pregnant with my first baby and I quit cold turkey. All through those nine months and a year of breast-feeding later, I didn't touch a cigarette. Then at a dinner party, somebody offered me one and there I went again. It was a relapse. I wasn't feeding, so I thought it was okay to smoke and stuck to five cigarettes a day.
In late 2003, I got pregnant again and it was a repeat. For the next 20 months, I quit and thought this time it was for good. But at a friend's wedding abroad, we were all standing in a group and I was offered a drag. Without a thought, I grabbed it and I was back to smoking five a day.
Sapped of stamina
Bringing up two tiny kids and sustaining a habit, and a bad one at that, is tedious. Each time I'd smoke - never in front of my children - I was particular that I brushed my teeth and changed my clothes before attending to them. I didn't want them smelling of ash or inhaling the remnants. Neither did I want them to think 'mama is smelling of smoke'.
Although by now, because I was so occupied with them, I was only smoking three a day, my energy levels were perpetually low. Working out wasn't easy because my stamina was poor. I tried ultra light cigarettes, thinking I was taking in less nicotine but I was only fooling myself. I knew I had to quit but couldn't find a reason.
Taking to hypnosis
Then a friend told me about how her cousin had consulted a hypnotherapist to quit smoking, and it had helped. I got curious. It didn't seem like mumbo-jumbo; I had to try it. I called the therapist the very next day and I was at her clinic the next week.
I was with her for an hour. Unlike what we think about being zoned out, I was totally conscious when talking to her. Slowly, she made me recall the time I had my first drag and I was able to explain to her in vivid detail the scene - the chat at the gas station and the drag. It was playing like a film before me. I associated the incident with 'fun'.
She called me back a day later. I smoked my regular three cigarettes in the interim. Strangely, I have no memory of the second session. I can't even recall how I got home. I only remember her telling me, 'Today onwards, you'll never smoke'. She suggested that once I quit I must jot down in a diary the one good thing cigarettes did for me. For the following one month, I did. 'Dear cigarette, thank you for giving me a good time. Now leave me and give it to someone else,' I'd say. The first two days were hard. But after that, I'd be in a room full of smokers and not feel the urge to join in.
A year after I quit, my husband, who tried to quit previously, took to hypnotherapy and ended up with success too. It has been nine years, and we don't miss it.
(Name changed to protect identity)
Pop star Katy Perry, who was "devastated" after her break up with recording artiste and producer John Mayer, took to hypnotherapy, it was recently reported.
It's not uncommon, says Kirti Bakshi. "Today, teenage relationship conflict has become a bigger issue than exam anxiety,"she shares.
Like substances, Dr Reema Shah reckons, we can get hooked to relationships too. And hypnotherapy is considered one of the most effective approaches to overcome heartbreak or loss of a loved one.
The surge of emotion that you experience during a break-up gives rise to despair, clouded thinking and hopelessness. "We call these events 'trauma'," says Bakshi. "Hypnosis works by controlling the emotions, weakening their association with unwanted memories, and venting suggestions. It works by establishing bigger goals, a clear understanding."
Shah, who sees 10 relationship cases a week, says addictive relationships or co-dependent relationships are addressed with hypnosis challenging the irrational distortions of the conscious mind (irrational beliefs which have led to co-dependency) and replacing these with healthy suggestions made to the sub-conscious mind.
But it's imperative that the patient must want to end the addictive relationship.
(१) वाइन के एक मानक ग्लास(standard glass of wine ) में चॉकलेट के एक मानक टुकड़े के बराबर केलोरी मान रहता है केलोरियां मौजूद मिलती हैं। जबकि सुनहरे रंग की एक पिंट हलकी बीयर (lager )में एक पैकिट तले हुए आलू के कतले के तुल्य केलोरीज़ रहतीं हैं।
प्राय :डेढ़ पाव की माप गेलन का आठवां अंश पिंट कहलाता है। एक ब्रितानी पिंट (पाइंट )०. ५ ७ लीटर। एक गेलन =८ पाइंट
एक अमरीकी पाइंट (पिंट )0 .47 लिटर का होता है।
सम्मोहन चिकित्सा सरसरी निगाह से
सम्मोहन विद्या इलाज़ की एक स्वीकृत सर्वमान्य पद्धति है जिसके तहत दिलोदिमाग हमारे जेहन में बैठे नकारात्मक विचारों के जालों ,विचारों की धुंध को को झाड़ पौंछकर उनके स्थान पर सकारात्मक जीवन के उजले पक्ष से सम्बंधित विचारों को रोपा जाता है। यानी खरपतवार रुपी विचारों को उखाड़ फैंक कर निर्मूल करके दिमाग की नए सिरे से प्रोग्रॅमिंग की जाती है।
मसलन एक ऐसे व्यक्ति का मामला लेते हैं जिसने बतौर फैशन हमजोलियों की देखा देखी पहली सिगरेट सुलगाई थी। उस समय उसकी उम्र थी सोलह साल और चौबीस साला होते होते युवक को ठीक से सांस लेने के लाले पड़ गए सांस चलने लगी हारकर वह एक सम्मोहन चिकित्सा के एक माहिर के पास पहुंचा। युवक में अवचेतन में बैठा हुआ था :खाली समय को भरने के अलावा स्मोकिंग एक स्ट्रेस बस्टर है। हमजोलियों के साथ कनेक्टिविटी को बढ़ाता है। एक ऐसा फैशन फेड है जो सामाजिक रूप से स्वीकृत रहा आया है।
युवक को लगभग निर्जीव अवस्था में लाकर समझाया गया उसके अवचेतन की पर्तों में बिठलाया गया ,व्यायाम करना यार दोस्तों से फोन पर गपियाना बेहतर ज़रिया है उनसे कनेक्ट होने का। इसी विषय पर विस्तार से पढ़िए ये रिपोर्ट :
Healing under spell
The broken-hearted and hardcore smokers on trying hypnosis to overcome addiction.
Dr Reema Shah doesn't exactly arrive at her Khar and Dadar clinics spinning a pocket watch, ready to nudge patients into a zombie state. She busts quite a few myths surrounding hypnotherapy, even while helping Mumbaikars wrangle out of the grip of addictions that range from smoking to drug abuse.
"Hypnotherapy is essentially a therapeutic tool," she explains. "It works on the principle of reprogramming the mind to accept healthy, positive suggestions and weed out negative messages."
The practice that dates back to ancient Greece and Egypt, and gets its name from the Greek term (hypnos) for 'sleep' is said to alter a person's mental state, heightening his level of focus and awareness. Through it, we are able to access deeper layers of our memory bank or what we call the subconscious. "Every action is impacted by stored subconscious experiences, and conscious perceptions. At most times, we aren't aware of subconscious associations," explains consultant hypnotherapist at Masina Hospital, Kirti Bakshi. "For instance, smoking is associated with pleasure or stress-relief. Through hypnotherapy, we help smokers figure the root cause of stress."
Unlearn the negatives
To access the sub-conscious mind, the hypnotherapist helps your conscious mind relax. In this deeply relaxed state, a communication channel is opened with the subconscious mind. It's here that positive messages are programmed into the patient's mind using verbal affirmations and suggestions. "These new messages form the foundation of new behavioural patterns," explains Shah. Fresh neural pathways are created in the brain, and these are then strengthened by post-hypnotherapy structures (eg. posthypnotic recordings which the patient can hear during leisure). "To put it simply, hypnotherapy helps in unlearning addictive patterns and re-learn healthy alternative behaviours."
An addiction is born out of dependency. By examining the genesis of this dependency and helping the patient understand it, the therapist works at restructuring aspects of his life that revolve around the addiction, offering healthy, sustainable alternatives.
3-pronged approach
A few years ago, Shah worked with a 24-year-old smoker who held a high-pressure job. He had smoked his first cigarette at 16 on a whim. "At 24, when he came to me, he had experienced his first health scare. He was finding it tough to breathe. So, his motivation to quit was quite high. The motivation always has to come from within, otherwise hypnotherapy doesn't work," shares Shah, who opted for a three-pronged approach.
The first, involved hypnotherapy to unlearn the smoking behaviour. The second was based on cognitive behaviour therapy to identify, address and change peripheral behaviours that were encouraging the addiction. The third step involved sticking to post-hypnosis structures to support himself after therapy concluded.
"Therapy analysis," says Shah, "made him realise he used smoking as a time-filler and a way of bonding with peers and friends. In therapy, we worked on his social skills and motivated him to take up exercising connecting with friends over the phone to fill out empty hours."
Bakshi, who has handled several cases of drug addiction, says, smoking is usually the first link, and could easily lead to drug abuse. "When compared to alcohol addiction, smoking is slightly easier to give up. But because of its social acceptability, motivation levels to stay off need to be high. Alcohol and drugs, on the other hand, are seen as potentially damaging, so the addiction is taken more seriously," she says.
First person: I didn't have energy to bring up my kids
A smoker for 10 years, 43-year-old homemaker Preeti Khanna on how she kicked the butt under hypnosis
It was back in the early '90s. I can recall the scene vividly. I was 21, and chatting with some friends at the gas station in Central London. We were excited since it was the last day of college, and a few of them lit up. I remember taking a drag and the next thing I knew, I bought myself a cigarette. I had never smoked before.
It was peer pressure. It just seemed like a fun thing to do. At that age, you don't think of what it might do to your health, although the packet explains it graphically.
Within six months, I was smoking 10 cigarettes a day, and always had a packet in my bag. From London, I took off to New York to pursue a career in banking. This was 2000. Unlike most of England, NYC isn't smoker-friendly. I had to walk two miles from my office to take a couple of 'legal' drags. Likewise, if I was at a restaurant and craved a cigarette, I had to step out and smoke. The craving for nicotine doesn't seem like a big deal.
People think cold weather ups the craving, or helps keep you warm. It is a myth. I moved around two very cold countries before I settled in Mumbai after I got married, and my daily quota never changed.
Of course, it didn't help that I married a smoker (laughs), and that most of our friends were addicted. In fact, it's only after I married that I let my 'vegetarian, non-drinking, anti-smoking' parents know of my habit. They were livid, and asked me to quit. But it had been five years since my first drag and I was addicted. So, whenever my husband and I visited them, we'd hide and smoke like teenagers.
Success & relapse
In mid-2002, I discovered I was pregnant with my first baby and I quit cold turkey. All through those nine months and a year of breast-feeding later, I didn't touch a cigarette. Then at a dinner party, somebody offered me one and there I went again. It was a relapse. I wasn't feeding, so I thought it was okay to smoke and stuck to five cigarettes a day.
In late 2003, I got pregnant again and it was a repeat. For the next 20 months, I quit and thought this time it was for good. But at a friend's wedding abroad, we were all standing in a group and I was offered a drag. Without a thought, I grabbed it and I was back to smoking five a day.
Sapped of stamina
Bringing up two tiny kids and sustaining a habit, and a bad one at that, is tedious. Each time I'd smoke - never in front of my children - I was particular that I brushed my teeth and changed my clothes before attending to them. I didn't want them smelling of ash or inhaling the remnants. Neither did I want them to think 'mama is smelling of smoke'.
Although by now, because I was so occupied with them, I was only smoking three a day, my energy levels were perpetually low. Working out wasn't easy because my stamina was poor. I tried ultra light cigarettes, thinking I was taking in less nicotine but I was only fooling myself. I knew I had to quit but couldn't find a reason.
Taking to hypnosis
Then a friend told me about how her cousin had consulted a hypnotherapist to quit smoking, and it had helped. I got curious. It didn't seem like mumbo-jumbo; I had to try it. I called the therapist the very next day and I was at her clinic the next week.
I was with her for an hour. Unlike what we think about being zoned out, I was totally conscious when talking to her. Slowly, she made me recall the time I had my first drag and I was able to explain to her in vivid detail the scene - the chat at the gas station and the drag. It was playing like a film before me. I associated the incident with 'fun'.
She called me back a day later. I smoked my regular three cigarettes in the interim. Strangely, I have no memory of the second session. I can't even recall how I got home. I only remember her telling me, 'Today onwards, you'll never smoke'. She suggested that once I quit I must jot down in a diary the one good thing cigarettes did for me. For the following one month, I did. 'Dear cigarette, thank you for giving me a good time. Now leave me and give it to someone else,' I'd say. The first two days were hard. But after that, I'd be in a room full of smokers and not feel the urge to join in.
A year after I quit, my husband, who tried to quit previously, took to hypnotherapy and ended up with success too. It has been nine years, and we don't miss it.
(Name changed to protect identity)
Pop star Katy Perry, who was "devastated" after her break up with recording artiste and producer John Mayer, took to hypnotherapy, it was recently reported.
It's not uncommon, says Kirti Bakshi. "Today, teenage relationship conflict has become a bigger issue than exam anxiety,"she shares.
Like substances, Dr Reema Shah reckons, we can get hooked to relationships too. And hypnotherapy is considered one of the most effective approaches to overcome heartbreak or loss of a loved one.
The surge of emotion that you experience during a break-up gives rise to despair, clouded thinking and hopelessness. "We call these events 'trauma'," says Bakshi. "Hypnosis works by controlling the emotions, weakening their association with unwanted memories, and venting suggestions. It works by establishing bigger goals, a clear understanding."
Shah, who sees 10 relationship cases a week, says addictive relationships or co-dependent relationships are addressed with hypnosis challenging the irrational distortions of the conscious mind (irrational beliefs which have led to co-dependency) and replacing these with healthy suggestions made to the sub-conscious mind.
But it's imperative that the patient must want to end the addictive relationship.

खाली जगह बहुत छूट गयी :)
जवाब देंहटाएंसुंदर जानकारी ।